[x] Branch: Starting from develop, cut a release branch named release/1.3.1 for your changes.
[x] Version bump: Bump the version number in config.php, convert-to-blocks.php, readme.txt, package.json and package-lock.json if it does not already reflect the version being released. Update both the plugin "Version:" property in convert-to-blocks.php and the plugin $plugin_version constant in config.php.
[x] Changelog: Add/update the changelog in CHANGELOG.md and readme.txt.
[x] Props: update CREDITS.md with any new contributors, confirm maintainers are accurate.
[x] New files: Check to be sure any new files/paths that are unnecessary in the production version are included in .distignore.
[x] Readme updates: Make any other readme changes as necessary. README.md is geared toward GitHub and readme.txt contains WordPress.org-specific content. The two are slightly different.
[x] Merge: Make a non-fast-forward merge from your release branch to develop (or merge the pull request), then do the same for develop into trunk, ensuring you pull the most recent changes into develop first (git checkout develop && git pull origin develop && git checkout trunk && git merge --no-ff develop). trunk contains the stable development version.
[x] Push: Push your trunk branch to GitHub (e.g. git push origin trunk).
[x] Compare trunk to develop to ensure no additional changes were missed.
[x] Test the pre-release ZIP locally by downloading it from the Build release zip action artifact and installing it locally. Ensure this zip has all the files we expect, that it installs and activates correctly and that all basic functionality is working
[x] Release: Create a new release, naming the tag and the release with the new version number, and targeting the trunk branch. Paste the changelog from CHANGELOG.md into the body of the release and include a link to the closed issues on the milestone. The release should now appear under releases.
[x] SVN: Wait for the GitHub Action to finish deploying to the WordPress.org repository. If all goes well, users with SVN commit access for that plugin will receive an emailed diff of changes.
[x] Close the milestone: Edit the milestone with release date (in the Due date (optional) field) and link to GitHub release (in the Description field), then close the milestone.
[x] Punt incomplete items: If any open issues or PRs which were milestoned for 1.3.1 do not make it into the release, update their milestone to 1.4.0, or Future Release
This issue is for tracking changes for the 1.3.1 release. Target release date: August 2024.
Release steps
, cut a release branch namedrelease/1.3.1
for your changes.config.php
if it does not already reflect the version being released. Update both the plugin "Version:" property inconvert-to-blocks.php
and the plugin$plugin_version
constant inconfig.php
with any new contributors, confirm maintainers are accurate..distignore
is geared toward GitHub andreadme.txt
contains WordPress.org-specific content. The two are slightly different.develop
(or merge the pull request), then do the same fordevelop
, ensuring you pull the most recent changes intodevelop
first (git checkout develop && git pull origin develop && git checkout trunk && git merge --no-ff develop
contains the stable development version.trunk
branch to GitHub (e.g.git push origin trunk
branch. Paste the changelog fromCHANGELOG.md
into the body of the release and include a link to the closed issues on the milestone. The release should now appear under releases.Due date (optional)
field) and link to GitHub release (in theDescription
field), then close the milestone.1.3.1
do not make it into the release, update their milestone to1.4.0
, orFuture Release