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Create child theme command #20

Open samikeijonen opened 6 years ago

samikeijonen commented 6 years ago

I'll just leave a note here: Could there be create-10up child-theme human-theme-name command?

timwright12 commented 5 years ago

@samikeijonen What core functionality changes do you see in something like that? We can updated the script to remove a bunch of files that aren't needed for a child theme, but if there's nothing else beside that and updating a line in the CSS I'd probably just lean on letting the engineer do that

emeaguiar commented 5 years ago

Somethings that need to change are some of the constants, for example, get_template_directory() and get_template_directory() both point to the parent theme, resulting in a fatal error if the theme is activated before replacing them with get_stylesheet_directory() and get_stylesheet_directory_uri().

This of course is easy to do and takes two seconds so I don't think a whole new command is worth it, maybe just a note in the documentation.

samikeijonen commented 5 years ago

Yeah probably not worth a new command.

smy315 commented 4 years ago

Child Theme Setup with 10up Theme Scaffold internal blog post written on 2/26/2020 outlines what's needed if we move forward with this.