In we removed the version from composer.json in the hopes of fixing #241 however it seem having had no effect. The assumption was packagist should have read from git tags instead (which list 1.0.1 correctly). Maybe this has to do with packagist configuration, to which I have no access to as of yet.
coverage: 66.312% (-0.1%) from 66.445%
when pulling ab5d65cdf8f4152bbb877de649f0463ab0fc51ab on chore/restore-composer-version
into 48b7f22934a4351e45e336f09263ee27fc9ddcbe on trunk.
In we removed the
in the hopes of fixing #241 however it seem having had no effect. The assumption was packagist should have read from git tags instead (which list 1.0.1 correctly). Maybe this has to do with packagist configuration, to which I have no access to as of yet.Closes: #243
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