10up / wpcli-vulnerability-scanner

WP-CLI command for checking installed plugins and themes for vulnerabilities reported on wpvulndb.com
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wp vuln fix does not seem to actually be fixing anything #6

Closed TheLastCicada closed 7 years ago

TheLastCicada commented 8 years ago

Output from wp vuln status:

[root@single1 mu-plugins]# wp --allow-root vuln status
| name                                       | installed version | status                                      | fix            |
| add-to-any                                 | 1.6.8             | No reported vulns for add-to-any            | n/a            |
| batcache                                   | 1.2               | No reported vulns for batcache              | n/a            |
| broken-link-checker                        | 1.10.9            | No vulns reported for this version of broke | n/a            |
|                                            |                   | n-link-checker                              |                |
| sem-external-links                         | 6.5.1             | No reported vulns for sem-external-links    | n/a            |
| duracelltomi-google-tag-manager            | 1.1.1             | No reported vulns for duracelltomi-google-t | n/a            |
|                                            |                   | ag-manager                                  |                |
| google-sitemap-generator                   | 4.0.8             | No reported vulns for google-sitemap-genera | n/a            |
|                                            |                   | tor                                         |                |
| restricted-site-access                     | 5.1               | No reported vulns for restricted-site-acces | n/a            |
|                                            |                   | s                                           |                |
| simple-page-ordering                       | 2.2.4             | No reported vulns for simple-page-ordering  | n/a            |
| smart-404                                  | 0.5               | No reported vulns for smart-404             | n/a            |
| verify-google-webmaster-tools              | 1.3               | No reported vulns for verify-google-webmast | n/a            |
|                                            |                   | er-tools                                    |                |
| wordpress-importer                         | 0.6.1             | No reported vulns for wordpress-importer    | n/a            |
| wp-bugherd-master                          | 0.1.0             | No reported vulns for wp-bugherd-master     | n/a            |
| wordpress-seo                     | 2.3.5             | Yoast SEO <= 3.2.4 - Subscriber Settings Se | Fixed in 3.2.5 |
|                                            |                   | nsitive Data Exposure                       |                |
| 10up-sso-client                            | 1.0.0             | No reported vulns for 10up-sso-client       | n/a            |
| index                                      |                   | No reported vulns for index                 | n/a            |
| load                                       |                   | No reported vulns for load                  | n/a            |
| vulncli                                    | 0.0.1             | No reported vulns for vulncli               | n/a            |
Run `wp plugin update wordpress-seo`
| name           | installed version | status                                              | fix |
| kaazing        | 0.1.0             | No reported vulns for kaazing                       | n/a |
| root@          | 0.1.0             | No reported vulns for root@                         | n/a |
| twentyfifteen  | 1.2               | No vulns reported for this version of twentyfifteen | n/a |
| twentyfourteen | 1.4               | No reported vulns for twentyfourteen                | n/a |
| twentythirteen | 1.5               | No reported vulns for twentythirteen                | n/a |
Nothing to update

Then, if we run wp vuln fix.....

root@single1 mu-plugins]# wp --allow-root vuln fix
| name                                       | installed version | status                                      | fix            |
| add-to-any                                 | 1.6.8             | No reported vulns for add-to-any            | n/a            |
| batcache                                   | 1.2               | No reported vulns for batcache              | n/a            |
| broken-link-checker                        | 1.10.9            | No vulns reported for this version of broke | n/a            |
|                                            |                   | n-link-checker                              |                |
| sem-external-links                         | 6.5.1             | No reported vulns for sem-external-links    | n/a            |
| duracelltomi-google-tag-manager            | 1.1.1             | No reported vulns for duracelltomi-google-t | n/a            |
|                                            |                   | ag-manager                                  |                |
| google-sitemap-generator                   | 4.0.8             | No reported vulns for google-sitemap-genera | n/a            |
|                                            |                   | tor                                         |                |
| restricted-site-access                     | 5.1               | No reported vulns for restricted-site-acces | n/a            |
|                                            |                   | s                                           |                |
| simple-page-ordering                       | 2.2.4             | No reported vulns for simple-page-ordering  | n/a            |
| smart-404                                  | 0.5               | No reported vulns for smart-404             | n/a            |
| verify-google-webmaster-tools              | 1.3               | No reported vulns for verify-google-webmast | n/a            |
|                                            |                   | er-tools                                    |                |
| wordpress-importer                         | 0.6.1             | No reported vulns for wordpress-importer    | n/a            |
| wp-bugherd-master                          | 0.1.0             | No reported vulns for wp-bugherd-master     | n/a            |
| wordpress-seo                     | 2.3.5             | Yoast SEO <= 3.2.4 - Subscriber Settings Se | Fixed in 3.2.5 |
|                                            |                   | nsitive Data Exposure                       |                |
| 10up-sso-client                            | 1.0.0             | No reported vulns for 10up-sso-client       | n/a            |
| index                                      |                   | No reported vulns for index                 | n/a            |
| load                                       |                   | No reported vulns for load                  | n/a            |
| vulncli                                    | 0.0.1             | No reported vulns for vulncli               | n/a            |
Success: Updated 0/0 plugins.
| name           | installed version | status                                              | fix |
| kaazing        | 0.1.0             | No reported vulns for kaazing                       | n/a |
| root@          | 0.1.0             | No reported vulns for root@                         | n/a |
| twentyfifteen  | 1.2               | No vulns reported for this version of twentyfifteen | n/a |
| twentyfourteen | 1.4               | No reported vulns for twentyfourteen                | n/a |
| twentythirteen | 1.5               | No reported vulns for twentythirteen                | n/a |
Nothing to update

Nothing seems to actually update. I've got a good test case here, so let me know when I should retest this.

trepmal commented 8 years ago

Current implementation would be that you'd run our command to get a list of any vulnerable plugins (wp vuln plugin-status) then pass that list using --porcelain to the core wp plugin update command:

wp plugin update $(wp vuln plugin-status --porcelain)