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Output Not correct of Sampling Module #7

Open mobeen10x opened 10 months ago

mobeen10x commented 10 months ago

Issue Title

Issue Title: Incorrect Output in Sampling Module1

Problem Description

During the testing of Sampling Module1, the 74th and last output do not match the expected results. Specifically, the 74th output consistently shows 'hffff' for all inputs, and the last output is also incorrect.

Expected Behavior

The output of the DUT (Design Under Test) should match the Reference Model Output. This discrepancy in the 74th and last output is unexpected, as all other 142 outputs match the Reference Model.

Reasons Behind the 74th value Error

The issue appears to be related to the typo error.

'd004: Output_Pixel <= (Latch_Buffer[288+04] + Latch_Buffer[288+05] + Latch_Buffer[288+28] + Latch_Buffer[288+29]) /4;( design code line number 223)

in the place of assigning the 74th value there is a typo, So for the 74th value output is hffff because the default value of the case is hffff.

Proposed Solution

To resolve this issue, you can consider the following possible solutions: Replace the upper code of the line with

'd074: Output_Pixel <= (Latch_Buffer[288+04] + Latch_Buffer[288+05] + Latch_Buffer[288+28] + Latch_Buffer[288+29]) /4;

Reasons Behind the Last Value Error

The issue appears to be related to Input_Buffer not getting the last value of the input matrix.

if (Input_Counter == 575)
    Flag_Input_Buffer_Filled <= 'b1;
else if (Input_Counter < 575)
    Input_Buffer[Input_Counter] <= Input_Pixel;
    Input_Counter <= Input_Counter + 1;

Here 575th input is never going to be registered in buffer.

Proposed Solution

To resolve this issue, you can consider the following possible solutions: Replace the upper code of the line with

         if (Input_Counter <  576)
                Input_Buffer[Input_Counter] <= Input_Pixel;
                Input_Counter <= Input_Counter + 1;
                if(Input_Counter == 575)
                  Flag_Input_Buffer_Filled <= 'b1;

Reproduction Steps

To reproduce this issue, follow these steps:

  1. git clone "https://github.com/mobeen10x/10xcelerator.git"
  2. cd 10xcelerator/
  3. In root folder, git checkout verif
  4. cd verif/
  5. cd Sampling_Module_env/
  6. make rerun

Current Behavior

The 74th output consistently displays 'hffff' for all inputs, and the last output is incorrect.

Output of Environment

After running make rerun, the output.txt file will be updated with the output of the Verification Environment. You can search for Test: Fail! in this file, and both failed tests will be highlighted with a Driven 4x4 matrix.

Environment Details

The Verification Environment is responsible for driving stimulus to the Module and then comparing the DUT Results with the Results of the Reference Model in the Scoreboard.

Requirements For Simulation

To simulate this environment, you will need a UVM-enabled simulator. The author used Synopsys VCS Version L-2016.06_Full64 for this verification.