10xers / 2015

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Solve programmer endorsement #16

Open MatthewJWalls opened 9 years ago

MatthewJWalls commented 9 years ago

Being able to differentiate between good and bad programming candidates is a massive unsolved problem that companies have to deal with. Can we help solve this in a way that doesn't include basically outsourcing pre-interviews or pissing off devs?

ninjabear commented 9 years ago

github portfolios and fizzbuzz ?

MatthewJWalls commented 9 years ago

This ones's a borderline veto for me.

The idea behind this was to come up with some sort of service (that isn't a recruitment agency) which a company can use to screen their hiring candidates. Whether that's some kind of purchasable testing app, a linkedIn-esque service based around peers reviewing each other, some other kind of reputation based system and so on.

While it's probably got a lot of potential longer term (we'd just need a couple big enterprises using it) it'd be really hard to get traction in the short and medium term.

It's also not just something we can solve with code alone. It's probably going to require a lot of human interaction; talking and meeting with people, and we don't do that very well.

To me, the simplest/safest way to productise this would be to roll a service that companies pay a subscription for. The company sends us their candidate's CVs and contact details, and a link to the service. The candidate logs into our service finishes a test. We review their CV, results etc and give the company a thumbs up or down with a level of confidence.

The above is a lot of human work which I'm not a fan of, which is why this is close to veto for me, unless somebody else can think of a better idea.