10xers / 2015

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Resource list #2

Open MatthewJWalls opened 9 years ago

MatthewJWalls commented 9 years ago
ninjabear commented 9 years ago

I like

  1. Bring Back Moore's Law.

It would be cool to see if by turning bytecode into some kind of parellized structure like RISC pipelines we could make any java app "multicore" without code changes.

Also appreciate the irony of the guy listing loads of "big ideas" then saying most companies succeeded because they didn't have one...

ninjabear commented 9 years ago

also on the ycombinator one

  1. A web-based Excel/database hybrid.

I'd go further to say pretty much anything people do in excel can be better done in a tool for the job

MatthewJWalls commented 9 years ago

I'd go further to say pretty much anything people do in excel can be better done in a tool for the job

Most people would say the generalality is the killer feature though.