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log in workspace manager and cloud sync, store refresh key, oauth pkce flow like #11

Open Weixuanf opened 6 months ago

Weixuanf commented 6 months ago

https://cloudentity.com/developers/basics/oauth-extensions/authorization-code-with-pkce/ We may not need both code verifier and encrypted code challenge, let's directly send one code challenge without encryption.

  1. add login button in dropdown menu Image
  2. generate random codeChallenge, window.open(comfyspace.art/oauth/authorize?codeChallenge=randome_generated_code) in popup window to login
  3. after success login, redirect to callsite with #code=xyz
  4. client get the code then POST fetch(comfysapce.art/oauth/token, {code:xyz, codeChallenge:xxxxyyyyzzzz}
  5. In server, verify the code and codeChallenge is indeed correct as before authorized, and in Session Table, sessionTable.put({id: userID, refreshToken: random_generated, accessToken: random_generated }) return refreshToken and accessToken to client
  6. encrypt refreshToken and store in localstorage, in a tokenUtils.ts, export function encrypAndStoreRefreshToken(), decryptRefreshToken() ADD tokenUtils.ts, INTO .gitignore, DO NOT commit tokenUtils.ts
  7. accessToken only store in RAM (react context, variables), each refresh, use refresh token to refetch accessToken if accessToken expired

Let me know if this auth flow sounds good to you, looking forward to your feedbacks @arslan2012

Weixuanf commented 6 months ago

From GPT:

In OAuth 2.0 with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange), the mechanism involves both a Code Verifier and a Code Challenge to enhance the security of the authorization code flow, especially for public clients that cannot securely store their secrets. The primary reasons for using both, instead of just a code verifier, are to prevent interception attacks and to ensure that the entity exchanging the authorization code for an access token is the same entity that initiated the authorization request.

Here's a breakdown of how PKCE works and the roles of the code verifier and code challenge:

Code Verifier

Code Challenge

Authorization Flow with PKCE

  1. Client Creates Code Verifier and Code Challenge:

    • The client generates a code verifier and then creates a code challenge from this verifier.
  2. Client Requests Authorization (/authorize):

    • The client sends the code challenge to the authorization server when it makes the authorization request. This step is critical because it ensures that only a client with the correct code verifier can later exchange the authorization code for an access token.
  3. Authorization Server Responds:

    • If the user authorizes the request, the authorization server issues an authorization code to the client.
  4. Client Requests Access Token (/token):

    • To exchange the authorization code for an access token, the client sends a request to the token endpoint. This request includes the authorization code and the code verifier.
    • The server uses the code verifier, applies the same transformation used to generate the code challenge initially, and verifies that the result matches the code challenge it received earlier. This proves that the client making the token request is the same client that initiated the authorization request.

Why Not Just Use the Code Verifier Directly?

In summary, PKCE strengthens the security of the OAuth 2.0 flow by ensuring that the authorization request and token exchange are tied to the same client through a verifiable challenge-response mechanism, thus mitigating interception attacks and unauthorized access token exchanges.