11cafe / comfyui-workspace-manager

A ComfyUI workflows and models management extension to organize and manage all your workflows, models in one place. Seamlessly switch between workflows, as well as import, export workflows, reuse subworkflows, install models, browse your models in a single workspace
GNU General Public License v3.0
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the delete button will not be visible If the file name is too long #399

Closed jiayezi closed 2 weeks ago

jiayezi commented 2 weeks ago

There are several buttons behind the filename in the Workspace. If the file name is too long, those buttons will not be displayed on the Workspace. image

If I want to delete a workflow file with a long file name, I can only shorten the file name. Is it possible to fix the position of the button, or add commonly used functions to the right-click menu?

Weixuanf commented 2 weeks ago

hi it seems you are using a very old version (V1) please upgrade to V2. also make sure that you have BACKUP your workflow json files before upgrading to V2 in case any unexpected problem.

once you upgraded, this problem should be resolved

jiayezi commented 2 weeks ago

hi it seems you are using a very old version (V1) please upgrade to V2. also make sure that you have BACKUP your workflow json files before upgrading to V2 in case any unexpected problem.

once you upgraded, this problem should be resolved

you are right! the version I used is too old.