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[Built with Eleventy] I built something! #664

Closed kvz closed 3 weeks ago

kvz commented 3 weeks ago

Site URL


Source code URL

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Authors (GitHub usernames)

@nqst, @nickrttn, @Missing-Tech, @kvz

Open Collective Username


Super Professional Business Network CTA URL

No response

Super Professional Business Network Company Name

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github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you! Your data file has been added!

Snapstromegon commented 3 weeks ago

For future reference to myself: I'm approving this despite neither a repo nor a meta generator tag, because the site includes some comments referencing eleventy, which I take as sufficient evidence of 11ty usage.

kvz commented 3 weeks ago

We’re also a big sponsor which should tell you, well, something! πŸ˜…

and you can search my handle for reporting real world issues :)

anyway, thanks!

Snapstromegon commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, This is kind of emberassing for me πŸ˜…... I'm just checking these things during breaks at work, so checking source is the fastest way to do things for me. It went so far that I even missed actually reading the domain or taking an actual look at the site and therefore completely missed who you were πŸ˜….

Thanks for supporting the project (not just with money, but with comments, issues and everything) and keep up the awesome work you're doing! ❀️

Note to self: definitely push #614

kvz commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the kind words, definitely not my intention to put you in an odd spot, merely wanted to relay things to make your job easier. Thank you for making the Eleventy community stronger and doing so in your free time!