11ty / 11ty-website

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`bannerlinks.js` should be updated #1685

Open patrulea opened 3 months ago

patrulea commented 3 months ago

6 months into a genocide and still no mention of Palestine

Snapstromegon commented 3 months ago

Hi @patrulea,

to say this first: I'm part of the 11ty GitHub organisation, but I'm not speaking on behalve of anyone but my own. My opinions are completely separate from what the 11ty Org, it's memebers and especially Zach Leatherman thinks and I haven't talked to anyone within the project about this (my only interactions are the public ones in the repos). Also I'm not an english native speaker, so please be aware that some nuance might be lost in this comment because of this.

I personally believe that the russian invasion of Ukraine was significantly easier to evaluate as an outside person. The situation between Israel and the Hamas is IMO significantly more complex and therefore also harder to evaluate as an outside person.

I've thought about proposing adding something around this to the page myself, but I just don't know what would be the best way to handle this, since IMHO it's not fair to blame either side completely and asking for a ceasefire is obvious and necessary, it doesn't seem right to me either (as those are not equal parties at play here and a simple ceasefire would be a significant improvement in the situation but also not a solution).

This conflict started to my knowledge in the late 19th century and just summarizing what happened inside of the Gaza strip fills books. Because of the way this conflict is handled by both sides it's also very difficult to find a persistend opinion on the conflict that is valid for all addressed individuals. Just to take one example, the chant "From the river to the Sea, Palestine will be free" is highly up to interpretation. If we're talking about freedom for palestinians by achieving a peaceful resolution to the conflict which allows everyone on both sides to go and be free, then it's a very honorable wish I can relate to as someone who has very much these freedoms even across borders in the EU. But there are also groups who interpret the same chant as to obliterate Israel. This is absolutely not okay by me. There are many aspects like this on both sides and for every "A did this" someone will find a "but B did that".

To be clear: I hope for for fast and lasting peaceful resolution to the conflict. The killing has to stop permanently. I also very much acknowledge that there are two significantly different powers at play.

Even though I have my own opinions on this conflict, which I intentionally did not mention in this post (because it wouldn't help the point I want to make), I can understand if someone (indivdual or organisation) doesn't want to state their position in this conflict as it's really hard to evaluate persistently.

Lastly I want to invite you to suggest how Eleventy should in your opinion handle this situation. Under which slogan should the banner link where and does a source exist which might even report on the conflict fairly and provides context for what happened e.g. on October 7th 2023 as well as the Six-Day war or the time between the 7th and 27th October 2023?

I honestly don't know how to handle this best and with the needed respect and even don't feel comfortable suggesting what to do here.

patrulea commented 3 months ago

Israel must be sanctioned and Palestine should be free. Given these past 6 months alone, the overwhelming majority of international legal and political bodies have deemed many of Israel’s actions towards the Palestinian people illegal. Their collective punishment is genocidal intent.

This did not start in October 2023. There are no “two sides” to this. There will be no peace until there’s justice.

I can only speak for myself but for us—the people—in the global south it’s very clear. We can’t afford to overlook it. And I’m not here to engage in debate about that or lecture anyone who refuses to listen what millions smarter than me have been saying about it for the past 80 years or so.


I’m here to remind people within the organization to check their privilege and remember that hate and oppression all come from the same place. We don’t have to tolerate it.