11ty / eleventy-base-blog

A starter repository for a blog web site using the Eleventy static site generator.
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Simplify getAllTags filter? #145

Closed flachware closed 1 year ago

flachware commented 1 year ago

Apologies if I’m missing something – for rendering the tag list, wouldn’t it be more straightforward to simply use the keys of the collections object instead of creating an array out of collections.all?

<!-- tags-list.njk -->
{% for tag in collections.all | getAllTags | filterTagList %}

<!-- eleventy.config.js -->
// Return all the tags used in a collection
eleventyConfig.addFilter("getAllTags", collection => {
let tagSet = new Set();
for(let item of collection) {
    (item.data.tags || []).forEach(tag => tagSet.add(tag));
return Array.from(tagSet);

Could be:

<!-- tags-list.njk -->
{% for tag in collections | getAllTags | filterTagList %}

<!-- eleventy.config.js -->
// Return all the tags used in collections
eleventyConfig.addFilter("getAllTags", collections => {
  return Object.keys(collections);
zachleat commented 1 year ago

Yeah, that’s true and a fair point!

The currently implementation of getAllTags has the potential for wider general purpose use, though?

flachware commented 1 year ago

Right, if there is a need to get all tags of a specific collection I can understand that approach. Thanks for clarifying.

zachleat commented 1 year ago

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