11ty / eleventy-plugin-template-languages

Official template syntax plugins for Eleventy
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Pug templates need better filter support #1

Open kaceo opened 3 years ago

kaceo commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. One of the best feature of Eleventy is the ability to mix and match different template languages to produce a static site. This advantage falls short when some template languages are more empowered than others.

Currently Pug does not support Eleventy universal filters. This makes it difficult for Pug users to adapt to the Eleventy environment, or for a template in one language to be modified into a different language.

Describe the solution you'd like In njk/liquid/md a data is evaluated like this: {{ myData | myFilter }}

In Pug a data is used like this: #{ myData }. It does not understand this expression #{ myData | myFilter } as only one variable name should be inside the parenthesis.

My solution is for Eleventy to run one pre-processing step in front of the Pug processing.

During this pre-processing step, Eleventy searches for these expressions #{ *** } and check if they need evaluation (whether there is a | inside the string):

As Eleventy is a compiler, data values can be determined without side effects during template evaluation. So the invention of temporary variables to store the evaluated eexpressions is safe.

Describe alternatives you've considered Similar requests but that suggests a solution that requires extending Pug with user-customisation. In my opinion, that is a strategy that will lead to incompatibility between Pug and other template languages.

Additional context I come into Eleventy because it is described as a "Jekyll in Nodejs". I tried to convert a complete site from Jekyll into Eleventy. Filters are the most problematic issues, as not all Jekyll filters have equivalent (eg. absolute_url, relative_url etc). But this is solveable by plugins.

Pug as my preferred template language further complicate the development, as it has only some of the expressive power of the other languages. Although I can rewrite the logic, I want to keep the Eleventy idioms as much as possible, and that means filters should be retained inside Pug.

CosmoMyzrailGorynych commented 3 years ago

Why shouldn't filters be added as functions visible to pug, with globals? https://pugjs.org/api/reference.html#options and an example https://github.com/pugjs/pug/issues/3198#issuecomment-555423287

For example, we can have global.filters with all the registered filters from e11y, and they will be usable as #{filters.toc(content)} in pug compared to {{content | toc}}. Yes, it is global object pollution, but who cares if your project is a self-contained and self-sufficient site generator?

CosmoMyzrailGorynych commented 3 years ago


// taking https://www.npmjs.com/package/eleventy-plugin-toc as an example
const pluginTOC = require('eleventy-plugin-toc');
const markdownIt = require('markdown-it')
const markdownItAnchor = require('markdown-it-anchor');

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
    eleventyConfig.setLibrary('md', markdownIt().use(markdownItAnchor));
    global.filters = eleventyConfig.javascriptFunctions; // magic happens here
    eleventyConfig.setPugOptions({ // and here
        globals: ['filters']




aside.aPageNavigation !{filters.toc(content)}

And it works! dab noises

Another example:

{% set previousPost = collections.posts | getPreviousCollectionItem(page) %}
{% set nextPost = collections.posts | getNextCollectionItem(page) %}
{% if previousPost %}Previous Blog Post: <a href="{{ previousPost.url }}">{{ previousPost.data.title }}</a>{% endif %}
{% if nextPost %}Next Blog Post: <a href="{{ nextPost.url }}">{{ nextPost.data.title }}</a>{% endif %}


- var prev = filters.getPreviousCollectionItem(collections.posts, page)
- var next = filters.getNextCollectionItem(collections.posts, page)
if prev
if next
chill-cod3r commented 3 years ago

I think it's worth mentioning that the above solution solves the problem just fine. Additionally, the built in eleventy filters that you see in so many of the docs' examples like: {{ myThing | url }} will all "just work" if you do the above. In pug it's like:

a(href=filters.url('/my-unsafe-url')) My Link That Will Be Correct
fpmanuel commented 2 years ago

@wolfejw86 @CosmoMyzrailGorynych Amazing!! The above should be in docs!!

shakeelmohamed commented 2 years ago

Has anyone taken a stab at this yet? 🤔

Adding a similar addPugGlobal() function to align with addNunjucksGlobal() seems doable (maybe with a global.pug namespace).

Adding an addPugFilter() function to user config would look something like below (untested, test changes needed, etc.). I’m happy to get it ready for a PR if there’s interest—let me know! 🤠

diff --git a/src/Engines/Pug.js b/src/Engines/Pug.js
index 100b0c6..6788254 100644
--- a/src/Engines/Pug.js
+++ b/src/Engines/Pug.js
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ class Pug extends TemplateEngine {
   setLibrary(override) {
     this.pugLib = override || PugLib;
+    this.addFilters(this.config.pugFilters);

   getPugOptions() {
@@ -27,6 +29,16 @@ class Pug extends TemplateEngine {

+  addFilters(filters) {
+    for (let name in filters) {
+      this.addFilter(name, filters[name]);
+    }
+  }
+  addFilter(name, filter) {
+    this.pugOptions.filters[name] = filter;
+  }
   async compile(str, inputPath) {
     let options = this.getPugOptions();
     if (!inputPath || inputPath === "pug" || inputPath === "md") {
diff --git a/src/UserConfig.js b/src/UserConfig.js
index e639b0f..2755ad0 100644
--- a/src/UserConfig.js
+++ b/src/UserConfig.js
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ class UserConfig {
     this.handlebarsPairedShortcodes = {};
     this.javascriptFunctions = {};
     this.pugOptions = {};
+    this.pugFilters = {};
     this.ejsOptions = {};
     this.markdownHighlighter = null;
     this.libraryOverrides = {};
@@ -222,6 +223,24 @@ class UserConfig {

+  addPugFilter(name, callback) {
+    name = this.getNamespacedName(name);
+    if (this.pugFilters[name]) {
+      debug(
+        chalk.yellow(
+          "Warning, overwriting a Pug filter with `addPugFilter(%o)`."
+        ),
+        name
+      );
+    }
+    this.pugFilters[name] = this.benchmarks.config.add(
+      `"${name}" Pug filter`,
+      callback
+    );
+  }
   addFilter(name, callback) {
     debug("Adding universal filter %o", this.getNamespacedName(name));

@@ -232,6 +251,8 @@ class UserConfig {

     // TODO remove Handlebars helpers in Universal Filters. Use shortcodes instead (the Handlebars template syntax is the same).
     this.addHandlebarsHelper(name, callback);
+    this.addPugFilter(name, callback);

   getFilter(name) {
@@ -239,7 +260,8 @@ class UserConfig {
       this.javascriptFunctions[name] ||
       this.nunjucksFilters[name] ||
       this.liquidFilters[name] ||
-      this.handlebarsHelpers[name]
+      this.handlebarsHelpers[name] ||
+      this.pugFilters[name]

@@ -768,6 +790,7 @@ class UserConfig {
       handlebarsPairedShortcodes: this.handlebarsPairedShortcodes,
       javascriptFunctions: this.javascriptFunctions,
       pugOptions: this.pugOptions,
+      pugFilters: this.pugFilters,
       ejsOptions: this.ejsOptions,
       markdownHighlighter: this.markdownHighlighter,
       libraryOverrides: this.libraryOverrides,
bever1337 commented 2 years ago

Because shakeelmohamed mentioned precedence for 11ty providing the global, it would be nice if pug users didn't require a userland solution. I think this would be a breaking change, but a very appreciated one as a pug user.

shakeelmohamed commented 2 years ago

it would be nice if pug users didn't require a userland solution

I totally agree, @bever1337. I’ll wait until this wheel gets squeakier before I commit any time to making a PR though.

HerzogVonWiesel commented 1 year ago

Has anyone taken a stab at this yet? 🤔

Adding a similar addPugGlobal() function to align with addNunjucksGlobal() seems doable (maybe with a global.pug namespace).

Adding an addPugFilter() function to user config would look something like below (untested, test changes needed, etc.). I’m happy to get it ready for a PR if there’s interest—let me know! 🤠

I just tried to incorporate this solution but got the error "Cannot set property 'slug' of undefined (via TypeError)"

npx @11ty/eleventy --serve [11ty] Problem writing Eleventy templates: (more in DEBUG output) [11ty] Cannot set property 'slug' of undefined (via TypeError) [11ty] [11ty] Original error stack trace: TypeError: Cannot set property 'slug' of undefined [11ty] at Pug.addFilter (/Users/Jerome/Documents/11ty/eleventy_local/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/Engines/Pug.js:38:35) [11ty] at Pug.addFilters (/Users/Jerome/Documents/11ty/eleventy_local/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/Engines/Pug.js:33:12) [11ty] at Pug.setLibrary (/Users/Jerome/Documents/11ty/eleventy_local/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/Engines/Pug.js:16:10) [11ty] at new Pug (/Users/Jerome/Documents/11ty/eleventy_local/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/Engines/Pug.js:10:10) [11ty] at TemplateEngineManager.getEngine (/Users/Jerome/Documents/11ty/eleventy_local/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateEngineManager.js:92:20) [11ty] at TemplateRender.init (/Users/Jerome/Documents/11ty/eleventy_local/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateRender.js:71:52) [11ty] at TemplateRender.get engine [as engine] (/Users/Jerome/Documents/11ty/eleventy_local/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateRender.js:93:12) [11ty] at Template.get engine [as engine] (/Users/Jerome/Documents/11ty/eleventy_local/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateContent.js:80:32) [11ty] at Template.getInputContent (/Users/Jerome/Documents/11ty/eleventy_local/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateContent.js:167:15) [11ty] at Template.read (/Users/Jerome/Documents/11ty/eleventy_local/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/src/TemplateContent.js:108:38) [11ty] Wrote 0 files in 0.25 seconds (v1.0.2)

shakeelmohamed commented 1 year ago

Hi @HerzogVonWiesel, the key word in my previous comment was untested 😅. There’s probably a few issues with that patch.

HerzogVonWiesel commented 1 year ago

Hey @shakeelmohamed, for sure! Wasn't expecting for it to work, just pointing out an issue I found so we know what to fix when working further on this :)

Zearin commented 1 year ago

(Psst! This Issue should be tagged with template-language:pug)

bever1337 commented 1 year ago

What changed in 11ty 2.0 to break this established solution? Is there something pug users should tweak?

Edit: This could sound vague to non-pug users. I'll try and come up with a reproduction. I've got a lot of incentive to upgrade

kaceo commented 1 year ago

Currently I am getting around the problems in Pug filters by using them only in the frontmatter of a pug layout, as documented. E.g.

  nicedate: "{{ page.date | htmlDateString }}"

But this method fail when objects (not strings) need to be computed, such as the previous/next page links in a blog post:

  previousPost: {{ collections.posts | getPreviousCollectionItem }}

For me this is the biggest weakness in the Pug + filter problem, a change in the template language from njk to pug requires major architectural redesign in the variables and expressions logic.

Ideally the frontmatter "eleventyComputed" should allow one fixed liquid-based filter expressions which should work for both strings and objects, and this must be independent of the rest of the template language.