11ty / eleventy-plugin-vite

A plugin to use Vite with Eleventy
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Don't pass files generated in OUTPUT_DIR/public to rollup build config #3

Closed dasplan closed 2 years ago

dasplan commented 2 years ago

I was tinkering with this plugin and came across issues with a generated sitemap.xml and robots.txt. When building, rollup breaks on sitemap.xml. If I leave out the sitemap and just build with robots.txt then an empty javascript bundle is created for robots.txt and robots.txt itself is gone. To fix this mattrossman suggested outputting these files to OUTDIR/public and that fixes the robots.txt issue, but rollup still breaks on sitemap.xml. These files should not be passed on to rollup. So, an extra filter is needed to prevent files in OUTDIR/public to be passed to viteOptions.build.rollupOptions.input.

Disclaimer: first time I do a pull request and a bit tired :) Much love for 11ty!

KiwiKilian commented 2 years ago

Was running into the same problem and can confirm, this fixes the problem! Looking forward to get this merged.

matthiasott commented 2 years ago

Same here! This works for me as well, but I also had to change the permalink in the front matter for the feed.xml, for example, to

permalink: /public/feed.xml

so that it lands in the /public folder, which Vite/Rollup then copies to the root of outDir again.

The name of this public folder for static assets can be set in Vite via the publicDir option. So maybe this could be used instead of writing "public" in the code?

matthiasott commented 2 years ago

@KiwiKilian FYI, I just managed to solve this issue (Rollup breaks on .xml and .txt files) in another way: I included the following line in the viteOptions in .eleventy.js

assetsInclude: ['**/*.xml','**/*.txt'],

This will tell Vite to treat those files as static assets. See: https://vitejs.dev/config/#assetsinclude Works for me locally and with a Netlify build.

++EDIT++ It works insofar as the build runs without errors. But there are still empty JavaScript bundles being generates for files like robots.txt and feed.xml. So your PR still makes a lot of sense IMO!

zachleat commented 2 years ago

I will merge this as-is but I think I’ll make some post-merge changes to use the publicDir option (if changed by vite config)

Thank you!

zachleat commented 2 years ago

Shipped with 1.0.0-canary.2

zachleat commented 2 years ago

This behavior is going to change slightly with #9!