11ty / eleventy-plugin-vite

A plugin to use Vite with Eleventy
134 stars 10 forks source link

My eleventy 2.0 project with @11ty/eleventy-plugin-vite build error in windows 10. #32

Closed taoguangc closed 1 month ago

taoguangc commented 1 year ago

I I made a project with 11ty 2.0 and used the plugin @11ty/eleventy-plugin-vite in windows 10, when I use the development mode, everything looks good, but when I run build I get an error.

See https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/11ty-tailwind-vite-1u8mc7 for more details Strangely, on codesandbox, when I run build, everything works fine.

My debug details is blow:

> 11ty-empty@1.0.0 debug
> set DEBUG=Eleventy* & npx @11ty/eleventy

  Eleventy:cmd command: eleventy { _: [], quiet: null, version: false, watch: false, dryrun: false, help: false, serve: false, incremental: false, 'ignore-initial': false } +0ms
  Eleventy:EventBus Setting up global EventBus. +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Resetting EleventyConfig to initial values. +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'slug' +195ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'slugify' +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'url' +1ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'log' +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'serverlessUrl' +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getCollectionItemIndex' +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getCollectionItem' +1ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getPreviousCollectionItem' +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getNextCollectionItem' +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplateConfig rootConfig { templateFormats: [ 'liquid',   'ejs', 'md',       'hbs', 'mustache', 'haml', 'pug',      'njk', 'html',     '11ty.js' ], pathPrefix: '/', markdownTemplateEngine: 'liquid', htmlTemplateEngine: 'liquid', htmlOutputSuffix: '-o', dataFileSuffixes: [ '.11tydata', '' ], dataFileDirBaseNameOverride: false, keys: { package: 'pkg', layout: 'layout', permalink: 'permalink', permalinkRoot: 'permalinkBypassOutputDir', engineOverride: 'templateEngineOverride', computed: 'eleventyComputed' }, dir: 
{ input: '.', includes: '_includes', data: '_data', output: '_site' }, handlebarsHelpers: {}, nunjucksFilters: {} } +0ms
  Eleventy Setting process.env.ELEVENTY_ROOT: 'E:/scripts/cms/11ty/11ty-empty' +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplateConfig Merging config with eleventy.config.js +10ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding anonymous plugin +155ms
  Eleventy:TemplateConfig overrides: {} +150ms
  Eleventy:TemplateConfig Current configuration: { pathPrefix: '/', markdownTemplateEngine: 'liquid', htmlTemplateEngine: 'liquid', 
htmlOutputSuffix: '-o', dataFileSuffixes: [ '.11tydata', '' ], dataFileDirBaseNameOverride: false, keys: { package: 'pkg', layout: 'layout', permalink: 'permalink', permalinkRoot: 'permalinkBypassOutputDir', engineOverride: 'templateEngineOverride', computed: 'eleventyComputed' }, dir: { input: 'src', includes: '_includes', data: '_data', output: '_site' }, handlebarsHelpers: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItemIndex: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, nunjucksFilters: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItemIndex: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, templateFormats: [ 'liquid',   'ejs', 'md',       'hbs', 'mustache', 'haml', 'pug',   
   'njk', 'html',     '11ty.js' ], transforms: {}, linters: {}, globalData: {}, layoutAliases: {}, layoutResolution: true, passthroughCopies: { './src/assets': { outputPath: true, copyOptions: {} }, 'public/': { outputPath: '/', copyOptions: {} } }, liquidOptions: {}, liquidTags: {}, liquidFilters: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItemIndex: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, liquidShortcodes: {}, liquidPairedShortcodes: {}, nunjucksEnvironmentOptions: {}, nunjucksPrecompiledTemplates: {}, nunjucksAsyncFilters: {}, nunjucksTags: {}, nunjucksGlobals: {}, nunjucksAsyncShortcodes: {}, nunjucksShortcodes: {}, nunjucksAsyncPairedShortcodes: {}, nunjucksPairedShortcodes: {}, handlebarsShortcodes: {}, handlebarsPairedShortcodes: {}, javascriptFunctions: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItemIndex: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, pugOptions: {}, ejsOptions: {}, markdownHighlighter: null, libraryOverrides: {}, dynamicPermalinks: true, useGitIgnore: true, ignores: Set(4) { '**/node_modules/**', '.git/**', 'public', '.11ty-vite\\**' }, watchIgnores: Set(2) { '**/node_modules/**', '.git/**' }, dataDeepMerge: true, watchJavaScriptDependencies: true, additionalWatchTargets: [], serverOptions: { module: '@11ty/eleventy-dev-server', domDiff: false, setup: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)] }, chokidarConfig: {}, watchThrottleWaitTime: 0, frontMatterParsingOptions: undefined, dataExtensions: Map(0) {}, extensionMap: Set(0) {}, quietMode: false, events: AsyncEventEmitter { _events: [Object: null prototype] { 'eleventy.after': [AsyncFunction (anonymous)] }, _eventsCount: 1, _maxListeners: undefined, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, benchmarkManager: BenchmarkManager { benchmarkGroups: { Configuration: [BenchmarkGroup], Aggregate: [BenchmarkGroup] }, isVerbose: true, start: 13249.753299999982 }, plugins: [ { plugin: [Function (anonymous)], options: undefined, pluginNamespace: '' } ], useTemplateCache: true, precompiledCollections: {}, dataFilterSelectors: Set(0) {}, libraryAmendments: {}, serverPassthroughCopyBehavior: 'copy', urlTransforms: [] } +1ms
  Eleventy Eleventy warm up time (in ms) 13619.738499999046 +164ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager Resetting counts to 0 +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./*.log +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./npm-debug.* +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./*.scssc +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./*.swp +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./.DS_Store +1ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./Thumbs.db +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./.sass-cache +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./.env +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./.cache +1ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./package-lock.json +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./_tmp +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./_site/** +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore,.eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./node_modules/** +1ms
  Eleventy Directories:
  Eleventy Input (Dir): src
  Eleventy Input (File): undefined
  Eleventy Data: src/_data
  Eleventy Includes: src/_includes
  Eleventy Layouts: undefined
  Eleventy Output: _site
  Eleventy Template Formats: liquid,ejs,md,hbs,mustache,haml,pug,njk,html,11ty.js
  Eleventy Verbose Output: false +13ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles Searching for: [ './src/**/*.{liquid,ejs,md,hbs,mustache,haml,pug,njk,html,11ty.js,11ty.cjs}' ] +4ms       
  Eleventy:FastGlobManager Glob search ('templates') searching for: [ './src/**/*.{liquid,ejs,md,hbs,mustache,haml,pug,njk,html,11ty.js,11ty.cjs}' ] +0ms
  Eleventy:FastGlobManager Glob search ('templates') ignoring: [ '*.log',           'npm-debug.*', '*.scssc',         '*.swp', '.DS_Store',       'Thumbs.db', '.sass-cache',     '.env', '.cache',          'package-lock.json', '_tmp',            '_site/**', 'node_modules/**', 'src/_includes/**', 'src/_data/**',    '**/node_modules/**', '.git/**',         'public', '.11ty-vite/**' ] +1ms        
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager TemplatePassthrough copy started. +29ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager `addPassthroughCopy` config API paths: { './src/assets': { outputPath: true, copyOptions: {} }, 'public/': { outputPath: '/', copyOptions: {} } } +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager `addPassthroughCopy` config API normalized paths: [ { inputPath: './src/assets', outputPath: true, copyOptions: {} }, { inputPath: './public/', outputPath: '/', copyOptions: {} } ] +1ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager TemplatePassthrough copying from config: { inputPath: './src/assets', outputPath: true, copyOptions: {} } +1ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager TemplatePassthrough copying from config: { inputPath: './public/', outputPath: '/', copyOptions: {} } +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthrough Copying './src/assets' +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthrough Copying './public/' +1ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthrough Searching for: './public/' +0ms
  Eleventy:FastGlobManager Glob search ('passthrough') searching for: './public/' +22ms
  Eleventy:TemplateData Using [ '.11tydata', '' ] suffixes to find data files. +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplateData getLocalDataPaths('./src/index.html'): [ './src/index.11tydata.js', './src/index.11tydata.cjs', './src/index.11tydata.json', './src/index.json', './src/src.11tydata.js', './src/src.11tydata.cjs', './src/src.11tydata.json', './src/src.json' 
] +1ms
  Eleventy:TemplateWriter ./src/index.html adding to template map. +0ms
  Eleventy:FastGlobManager Glob search ('global-data') searching for: [ './src/_data/**/*.{json,cjs,js}' ] +7ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager Skipped copying './public/' (emulated passthrough copy) +11ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthrough Copying individual file 'src\\assets\\css\\main.css' +19ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthrough Copying individual file 'src\\assets\\js\\main.js' +75ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager Copied './src/assets' (2 files) +88ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager TemplatePassthrough copy finished. Current count: 2 +0ms
  Eleventy:Template Template date: using file’s 'birthtimeMs' for './src/index.html' of 2023-02-14T02:32:36.975Z (from 1676341956975.121) +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplateMap Caching collections objects. +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplateMap Collection: collections.all size: 1 +2ms
  Eleventy:TemplateMap Collection: collections.all size: 1 +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplateWriter Template map created. +138ms
  Eleventy:Logger Writing _site/index.html from ./src/index.html (liquid) +0ms
  Eleventy:Template _site/index.html written.. +66ms
[11ty] Problem writing Eleventy templates:
[11ty] EPERM: operation not permitted, rename 'E:\scripts\cms\11ty\11ty-empty\_site' -> 'E:\scripts\cms\11ty\11ty-empty\.11ty-vite' 
(via Error)
  Eleventy:EleventyErrorHandler (error stack): Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rename 'E:\scripts\cms\11ty\11ty-empty\_site' 
-> 'E:\scripts\cms\11ty\11ty-empty\.11ty-vite' +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      5ms   1%     1× (Aggregate) Configuration addPlugin +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark     18ms   3%     1× (Aggregate) Searching the file system (templates) +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      9ms   1%     1× (Aggregate) Searching the file system (passthrough) +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      3ms   1%     1× (Aggregate) Searching the file system (data) +1ms
  Eleventy:Logger Benchmark     99ms  16%     2× (Aggregate) Template Read +6ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark     99ms  16%     2× (Aggregate) Template Read +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      7ms   1%     2× (Aggregate) Passthrough Copy File +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      7ms   1%     2× (Aggregate) Template Compile +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      3ms   1%     1× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./src/index.html +1ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      4ms   1%     1× (Aggregate) > Compile > ./src/_includes/layouts/home.html +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      2ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) Template Write +0ms
[11ty] Copied 2 files / Wrote 1 file in 0.24 seconds (v2.0.0)
  Eleventy Finished writing templates. +228ms
  Eleventy       Getting frustrated? Have a suggestion/feature request/feedback?
  Eleventy       I want to hear it! Open an issue: https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/issues/new +1ms
anantakrishna commented 1 year ago

Seems to be a duplicate of #22.

KiwiKilian commented 1 month ago

Duplicate of #22