11ty / eleventy

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.
MIT License
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addNunjucksAsyncFilter causes builds to exit prematurely #2578

Closed ashur closed 2 years ago

ashur commented 2 years ago


Using asynchronous filters registered with addNunjucksAsyncFilter seems to cause builds to exit prematurely.



Note — An example project is available at ashur/test-addNunjucksAsyncFilter

  1. Register an asynchronous filter using addNunjucksAsyncFilter
    // .eleventy.js

eleventyConfig.addNunjucksAsyncFilter( "greet", async (name) => { return Hello, ${name}; });

1. Use the filter in a Nunjucks template
{# index.njk #}

{{ "Dolly" | greet }}
  1. Run npx eleventy to build the site
  2. Run npx eleventy --serve to start the built-in server

Expected Results

Building the site will log something like this to the terminal:

$ npx eleventy        
[11ty] Writing _site/index.html from ./index.njk
[11ty] Wrote 1 file in 0.02 seconds (v2.0.0-canary.15)

showing that the file has been built as expected. (See Attachments below for DEBUG logs.)

Starting the built-in server will log something like this to the terminal:

$ npx eleventy --serve
[11ty] Writing _site/index.html from ./index.njk
[11ty] Wrote 1 file in 0.03 seconds (v2.0.0-canary.15)
[11ty] Watching…
[11ty] Server at http://localhost:8080/

and continue running until the command is terminated. (See Attachments below for DEBUG logs.)

Actual Results

The file is not built:

$ npx eleventy
[no output]
$ cat _site/index.html
cat: _site/index.html: No such file or directory

The built-in server never starts, and the command exits automatically:

$ npx eleventy --serve



For projects using Eleventy 2.0, registering the filter using addAsyncFilter works as expected.


Debug build logs

$ DEBUG=Eleventy* npx eleventy
Eleventy:cmd command: eleventy { _: [], quiet: null, version: false, watch: false, dryrun: false, help: false, serve: false, passthroughall: false, incremental: false } +0ms
Eleventy:EventBus Setting up global EventBus. +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Resetting EleventyConfig to initial values. +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'slug' +6ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'slugify' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'url' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'log' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'serverlessUrl' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getCollectionItem' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getPreviousCollectionItem' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getNextCollectionItem' +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateConfig rootConfig { templateFormats: [ 'liquid',   'ejs', 'md',       'hbs', 'mustache', 'haml', 'pug',      'njk', 'html',     '11ty.js' ], pathPrefix: '/', markdownTemplateEngine: 'liquid', htmlTemplateEngine: 'liquid', dataTemplateEngine: false, htmlOutputSuffix: '-o', jsDataFileSuffix: '.11tydata', keys: { package: 'pkg', layout: 'layout', permalink: 'permalink', permalinkRoot: 'permalinkBypassOutputDir', engineOverride: 'templateEngineOverride', computed: 'eleventyComputed' }, dir: { input: '.', includes: '_includes', data: '_data', output: '_site' }, handlebarsHelpers: {}, nunjucksFilters: {} } +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateConfig Setting pathPrefix to '/' +1ms
Eleventy Setting process.env.ELEVENTY_ROOT: '/Users/USERNAME/Downloads/test-async-filter' +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateConfig Merging config with .eleventy.js +1ms
Eleventy:TemplateConfig overrides: { pathPrefix: '/' } +1ms
Eleventy:TemplateConfig Current configuration: { pathPrefix: '/', markdownTemplateEngine: 'liquid', htmlTemplateEngine: 'liquid', dataTemplateEngine: false, htmlOutputSuffix: '-o', jsDataFileSuffix: '.11tydata', keys: { package: 'pkg', layout: 'layout', permalink: 'permalink', permalinkRoot: 'permalinkBypassOutputDir', engineOverride: 'templateEngineOverride', computed: 'eleventyComputed' }, dir: { input: '.', includes: '_includes', data: '_data', output: '_site' }, handlebarsHelpers: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, nunjucksFilters: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, templateFormats: [ 'liquid',   'ejs', 'md',       'hbs', 'mustache', 'haml', 'pug',      'njk', 'html',     '11ty.js' ], transforms: {}, linters: {}, globalData: {}, layoutAliases: {}, passthroughCopies: {}, liquidOptions: {}, liquidTags: {}, liquidFilters: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, liquidShortcodes: {}, liquidPairedShortcodes: {}, nunjucksEnvironmentOptions: {}, nunjucksPrecompiledTemplates: {}, nunjucksAsyncFilters: { commitHash: [Function (anonymous)] }, nunjucksTags: {}, nunjucksGlobals: {}, nunjucksAsyncShortcodes: {}, nunjucksShortcodes: {}, nunjucksAsyncPairedShortcodes: {}, nunjucksPairedShortcodes: {}, handlebarsShortcodes: {}, handlebarsPairedShortcodes: {}, javascriptFunctions: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, pugOptions: {}, ejsOptions: {}, markdownHighlighter: null, libraryOverrides: {}, dynamicPermalinks: true, useGitIgnore: true, ignores: Set(2) { '**/node_modules/**', '.git/**' }, dataDeepMerge: true, watchJavaScriptDependencies: true, additionalWatchTargets: [], serverOptions: {}, chokidarConfig: {}, watchThrottleWaitTime: 0, frontMatterParsingOptions: undefined, dataExtensions: Map(0) {}, extensionMap: Set(0) {}, quietMode: false, events: AsyncEventEmitter { _events: [Object: null prototype] {}, _eventsCount: 0, _maxListeners: undefined, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, benchmarkManager: BenchmarkManager { benchmarkGroups: { Configuration: [BenchmarkGroup], Aggregate: [BenchmarkGroup] }, isVerbose: true, start: 186.6656665802002 }, plugins: [], useTemplateCache: true, precompiledCollections: {}, dataFilterSelectors: Set(0) {}, libraryAmendments: {}, serverPassthroughCopyBehavior: 'passthrough', urlTransforms: [] } +0ms
Eleventy Eleventy warm up time (in ms) 196.363374710083 +2ms
Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager Resetting counts to 0 +0ms
Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./node_modules/** +0ms
Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./node_modules/** +0ms
Eleventy Directories:
Eleventy Input (Dir): .
Eleventy Input (File): undefined
Eleventy Data: _data
Eleventy Includes: _includes
Eleventy Layouts: undefined
Eleventy Output: _site
Eleventy Template Formats: liquid,ejs,md,hbs,mustache,haml,pug,njk,html,11ty.js
Eleventy Verbose Output: false +2ms
Eleventy:EleventyFiles Searching for: [ './**/*.liquid', './**/*.ejs', './**/*.md', './**/*.hbs', './**/*.mustache', './**/*.haml', './**/*.pug', './**/*.njk', './**/*.html', './**/*.11ty.js', './**/*.11ty.cjs' ] +4ms
Eleventy:TemplateWriter Found: [ './index.njk' ] +0ms
Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager TemplatePassthrough copy started. +9ms
Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager `addPassthroughCopy` config API paths: {} +0ms
Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager `addPassthroughCopy` config API normalized paths: [] +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateData Using '.11tydata' to find data files. +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateData getLocalDataPaths('./index.njk'): [ './index.11tydata.js', './index.11tydata.cjs', './index.11tydata.json', './index.json' ] +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateWriter ./index.njk begun adding to map. +1ms
Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager TemplatePassthrough copy finished. Current count: 0 +1ms
Eleventy:Template Template date: using file’s 'birthtimeMs' for './index.njk' of 2022-09-26T19:22:01.923Z (from 1664220121923.4136) +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateMap Caching collections objects. +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateMap Collection: collections.all size: 1 +1ms
Eleventy:TemplateMap Collection: collections.all size: 1 +0ms

Debug serve logs

$ DEBUG=Eleventy* npx eleventy --serve
Eleventy:cmd command: eleventy { _: [], quiet: null, version: false, watch: false, dryrun: false, help: false, serve: true, passthroughall: false, incremental: false } +0ms
Eleventy:EventBus Setting up global EventBus. +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Resetting EleventyConfig to initial values. +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'slug' +2ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'slugify' +1ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'url' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'log' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'serverlessUrl' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getCollectionItem' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getPreviousCollectionItem' +0ms
Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getNextCollectionItem' +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateConfig rootConfig { templateFormats: [ 'liquid',   'ejs', 'md',       'hbs', 'mustache', 'haml', 'pug',      'njk', 'html',     '11ty.js' ], pathPrefix: '/', markdownTemplateEngine: 'liquid', htmlTemplateEngine: 'liquid', dataTemplateEngine: false, htmlOutputSuffix: '-o', jsDataFileSuffix: '.11tydata', keys: { package: 'pkg', layout: 'layout', permalink: 'permalink', permalinkRoot: 'permalinkBypassOutputDir', engineOverride: 'templateEngineOverride', computed: 'eleventyComputed' }, dir: { input: '.', includes: '_includes', data: '_data', output: '_site' }, handlebarsHelpers: {}, nunjucksFilters: {} } +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateConfig Setting pathPrefix to '/' +1ms
Eleventy Setting process.env.ELEVENTY_ROOT: '/Users/USERNAME/Downloads/test-async-filter' +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateConfig Merging config with .eleventy.js +1ms
Eleventy:TemplateConfig overrides: { pathPrefix: '/' } +1ms
Eleventy:TemplateConfig Current configuration: { pathPrefix: '/', markdownTemplateEngine: 'liquid', htmlTemplateEngine: 'liquid', dataTemplateEngine: false, htmlOutputSuffix: '-o', jsDataFileSuffix: '.11tydata', keys: { package: 'pkg', layout: 'layout', permalink: 'permalink', permalinkRoot: 'permalinkBypassOutputDir', engineOverride: 'templateEngineOverride', computed: 'eleventyComputed' }, dir: { input: '.', includes: '_includes', data: '_data', output: '_site' }, handlebarsHelpers: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, nunjucksFilters: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, templateFormats: [ 'liquid',   'ejs', 'md',       'hbs', 'mustache', 'haml', 'pug',      'njk', 'html',     '11ty.js' ], transforms: {}, linters: {}, globalData: {}, layoutAliases: {}, passthroughCopies: {}, liquidOptions: {}, liquidTags: {}, liquidFilters: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, liquidShortcodes: {}, liquidPairedShortcodes: {}, nunjucksEnvironmentOptions: {}, nunjucksPrecompiledTemplates: {}, nunjucksAsyncFilters: { commitHash: [Function (anonymous)] }, nunjucksTags: {}, nunjucksGlobals: {}, nunjucksAsyncShortcodes: {}, nunjucksShortcodes: {}, nunjucksAsyncPairedShortcodes: {}, nunjucksPairedShortcodes: {}, handlebarsShortcodes: {}, handlebarsPairedShortcodes: {}, javascriptFunctions: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, pugOptions: {}, ejsOptions: {}, markdownHighlighter: null, libraryOverrides: {}, dynamicPermalinks: true, useGitIgnore: true, ignores: Set(2) { '**/node_modules/**', '.git/**' }, dataDeepMerge: true, watchJavaScriptDependencies: true, additionalWatchTargets: [], serverOptions: {}, chokidarConfig: {}, watchThrottleWaitTime: 0, frontMatterParsingOptions: undefined, dataExtensions: Map(0) {}, extensionMap: Set(0) {}, quietMode: false, events: AsyncEventEmitter { _events: [Object: null prototype] {}, _eventsCount: 0, _maxListeners: undefined, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, benchmarkManager: BenchmarkManager { benchmarkGroups: { Configuration: [BenchmarkGroup], Aggregate: [BenchmarkGroup] }, isVerbose: true, start: 106.16600036621094 }, plugins: [], useTemplateCache: true, precompiledCollections: {}, dataFilterSelectors: Set(0) {}, libraryAmendments: {}, serverPassthroughCopyBehavior: 'passthrough', urlTransforms: [] } +0ms
Eleventy Eleventy warm up time (in ms) 114.30345821380615 +4ms
Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager Resetting counts to 0 +0ms
Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./node_modules/** +0ms
Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./node_modules/** +0ms
Eleventy Directories:
Eleventy Input (Dir): .
Eleventy Input (File): undefined
Eleventy Data: _data
Eleventy Includes: _includes
Eleventy Layouts: undefined
Eleventy Output: _site
Eleventy Template Formats: liquid,ejs,md,hbs,mustache,haml,pug,njk,html,11ty.js
Eleventy Verbose Output: false +2ms
Eleventy:EleventyFiles Searching for: [ './**/*.liquid', './**/*.ejs', './**/*.md', './**/*.hbs', './**/*.mustache', './**/*.haml', './**/*.pug', './**/*.njk', './**/*.html', './**/*.11ty.js', './**/*.11ty.cjs' ] +9ms
Eleventy:TemplateWriter Found: [ './index.njk' ] +0ms
Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager TemplatePassthrough copy started. +13ms
Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager `addPassthroughCopy` config API paths: {} +0ms
Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager `addPassthroughCopy` config API normalized paths: [] +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateData Using '.11tydata' to find data files. +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateData getLocalDataPaths('./index.njk'): [ './index.11tydata.js', './index.11tydata.cjs', './index.11tydata.json', './index.json' ] +1ms
Eleventy:TemplateWriter ./index.njk begun adding to map. +1ms
Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager TemplatePassthrough copy finished. Current count: 0 +1ms
Eleventy:Template Template date: using file’s 'birthtimeMs' for './index.njk' of 2022-09-26T19:22:01.923Z (from 1664220121923.4136) +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateMap Caching collections objects. +0ms
Eleventy:TemplateMap Collection: collections.all size: 1 +1ms
Eleventy:TemplateMap Collection: collections.all size: 1 +0ms
pdehaan commented 2 years ago

@ashur Yeah, .addNunjucksAsyncFilter() has a bit of an unexpected signature (spoiler: it uses callbacks).

 * @typedef {import('@11ty/eleventy/src/UserConfig')} EleventyConfig
 * @typedef {ReturnType<import('@11ty/eleventy/src/defaultConfig')>} EleventyReturnValue
 * @type {(eleventyConfig: EleventyConfig) => EleventyReturnValue}
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  const sleep = (ms=2000) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

  eleventyConfig.addNunjucksAsyncFilter( "greet", async (name, cb) => {
    await sleep(3000);
    return cb(null, `Hello, ${name}`);

  return {
    dir: {
      input: "src",
      output: "www",
# index.njk

<p>{{ "Dolly" | greet }}</p>


<p>Hello, Dolly</p>
> eleventy

[11ty] Writing www/index.html from ./src/index.njk
[11ty] Wrote 1 file in 3.03 seconds (v1.0.2)
pdehaan commented 2 years ago

Another option might be wrapping it in something like util.callbackify:

const { callbackify } = require("node:util");

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  const sleep = (ms=2000) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

  // https://www.11ty.dev/docs/languages/nunjucks/#asynchronous-nunjucks-filters
  eleventyConfig.addNunjucksAsyncFilter("greet", callbackify(async (name) => {
    await sleep(1000);
    if (!name) {
      throw new Error("Missing a name");
    return `Hallo, ${name}!`;

  return {
    dir: {
      input: "src",
      output: "www",
# index.njk

<p>{{ "Dolly" | greet }}</p>

<p>{{ "" | greet }}</p>

Now this will throw an [expected] error due to that falsy name; but now we don't need to think as much about callbacks, or promises, or error-first:

[11ty] 1. Having trouble rendering njk template ./src/index.njk (via TemplateContentRenderError) [11ty] 2. (./src/index.njk) [11ty] Error: Missing a name (via Template render error) [11ty] [11ty] Original error stack trace: Template render error: (./src/index.njk) [11ty] Error: Missing a name [11ty] at Object._prettifyError (/private/tmp/11ty-2578/node_modules/nunjucks/src/lib.js:3

ashur commented 2 years ago

@pdehaan Ugh, I'm super embarrassed I missed the callbacks part of the documentation, which are clearly described now that I'm looking again more closely 🤦

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, and for the alternative idea! 🙏

pdehaan commented 2 years ago

As somebody who gets the above syntax wrong this every time I have to use async Nunjucks filters, I welcome the new 2.0 behavior:

"For projects using Eleventy 2.0, registering the filter using addAsyncFilter works as expected."