11ty / eleventy

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.
MIT License
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plugin: SEO #417

Closed DirtyF closed 5 years ago

DirtyF commented 5 years ago

11ty-plugin-seo helps add necessary markup for SEO.

/cc @chrisdmacrae

Ryuno-Ki commented 5 years ago

Would it be possible to break this down into smaller plugins as well? For example, what if I would like to have JSON-LD, but not Twitter Cards?

I would imagine that the SEO plugin loads those smaller plugins and expose them under a single API. Maybe a lerna repo?

AndrewAsquith commented 5 years ago

Are there any thoughts on how this should work?

My approach is currently a collection of shortocdes, so you'd end up with something like this that you could mix and match as desired:

{% metaTitle pageTitle %}
{% metaDescription pageDescription %}
{% canonical absolutePageUrl %}

{% twitterSummaryCard author.twitter.name, pageTitle, pageDescription, pageImage %}

{% opengraphBasic pageTitle, ogpType or 'website', site.url, pageImage or site.logo %}

I'm not sure how well that would work in a generic form for json-ld since it's basically kvps you can use in any number of ways.

My current implementation of the above is here: https://github.com/AndrewAsquith/andrewasquith-ca/tree/master/_11ty/shortcodes

Ryuno-Ki commented 5 years ago

Yeah, my idea would have been to write seo as a collection of shortcodes (so everybody is free to mix and match as they please).

Then one additional shortcode {% seo %} which uses the single shortcodes under the hood.

The information should be placed in a JSON under _data/, so it is available from everywhere.

AndrewAsquith commented 5 years ago

So I've been playing with my implementation and ended up settling on this for the moment:


Does it make sense to pull my shortcodes out into a plugin? And how far to take that? I left some generic shortcodes in rather than implementing every possibility. And while I have a quick check to try and ensure the JSON is well formed, it's probably still possible to end up with invalid markup. I'd rather not be responsible for a project that sullies 11ty's name. ;)

Any other ideas or better implementations?

@chrisdmacrae I couldn't find anything in your public repos, but that doesn't mean it's not hiding until it's ready.

@zachleat do you have any suggestions/feedback ?

illvart commented 5 years ago

I set SEO manually.

My project is still localhost, I haven't released it yet.

Example like this:

{# meta SEO #}
{% include "meta-seo.njk" %}

The meta-seo.njk can be found here.

Ryuno-Ki commented 5 years ago

I'm currently playing around with microformats2 h-event and its JSON-LD pendant.

Currently not quite happy with the structure of my event.njk partial:

<div class="h-event vevent">
    <a class="p-name summary u-url url" href="{{ event.url }}">{{ event.name }}</a>
    <span class="dt-start dtstart" datetime="{{ event.startDate }}">
      <abbr class="value" title="{{ event.startDate }}">
        {{ event.startDay }}.{{ event.startMonth }}.{{ event.startYear }}
    <span class="dt-end dtend" datetime="{{ event.endDate }}">
      <abbr class="value" title="{{ event.endDate }}">
        {{ event.endDay }}.{{ event.endMonth }}.{{ event.endYear }}
    {% if event.location %}
      at <span class="p-location location">
        {% set location = event.location %}
        {% include "_partials/location.njk" %}
    {% endif %}

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "http://schema.org/",
  "@type": "Event",
  "name": "{{ event.name }}",
  "url": "{{ event.url }}",
  "startDate": "{{ event.startDate }}",
  "endDate": "{{ event.endDate }}"{% if event.location %},
  "location": {
    "@type": "Place",
    "name": "{{ event.location.name }}",
    "address": {
      "@type": "PostalAddress",
      "streetAddress": "{{ event.location.address }}",
      "postalCode": "{{ event.location.postalCode }}",
      "addressLocality": "{{ event.location.locality }}",
      "addressCountry": "{{ event.location.country }}"
  {% endif %}

I keep my events in a Data File for now. Maybe switching to a collection later on.

danfascia commented 5 years ago

Right now I solve this without a plugin using the {% block %} inheritance features.

In your main base template you should have a basic SEO block. Here is a reasonable starting point

        {%- if title -%}
            {{title}} - {{site.title}}
        {%- elseif renderData.title -%}
            {{renderData.title}} - {{site.title}}
            {{site.title}} {{site.strapline}}
        {%- endif -%}
    <meta name="description" content="{% block description %}{{site.description}}{% endblock %}">
    <meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
    <meta name="generator" content="Eleventy">
    <meta name="subject" content="Your site subject">

    {%- block seo -%}
    <!--Twitter Card-->
    <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
    <meta name="twitter:site" content="@{{site.twitter}}">
    <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@{{site.twitter}}">
    <meta name="twitter:url" content="{{site.baseURL}}{{page.url}}">
    <meta name="twitter:title" content="{{title}}">
    <meta name="twitter:description" content="{{ site.description }}">

    <link rel="author" href="{{site.baseURL}}">
    <link rel="publisher" href="{{site.baseURL}}">
    <meta itemprop="name" content="{{title}}">
    <meta itemprop="description" content="{{ site.description }}">

    <!-- Facebook OpenGraph -->
    <meta property="fb:app_id" content="{{site.FB_APP_ID}}">
    <meta property="og:url" content="{{site.baseURL}}{{page.url}}">
    <meta property="og:type" content="website">
    <meta property="og:title" content="{{title}}">
    <meta property="og:description" content="{{ site.description }}">
    <meta property="og:site_name" content="{{site.title}}">
    <meta property="og:locale" content="en_GB">
    <meta property="article:author" content="{{site.baseURL}}">
    {%- endblock -%}

Next, within each inherited template you have the option of including a more page specific {% block seo %} which will override the values in the base template.

Here is an example

{%- block seo -%}
<!--Twitter Card-->
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@{{site.twitter}}">
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@{{site.twitter}}">
<meta name="twitter:url" content="{{site.baseURL}}{{page.url}}">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{title}}">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{{content | striptags | truncate(196) }}">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{featuredImageThumbnail}}">

<link rel="author" href="{{site.baseURL}}">
<link rel="publisher" href="{{site.baseURL}}">
<meta itemprop="name" content="{{title}}">
<meta itemprop="description" content="{{content | striptags | truncate(196) }}">
<meta itemprop="image" content="{{featuredImageThumbnail}}">

<!-- Facebook OpenGraph -->
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="{{site.FB_APP_ID}}">
<meta property="og:url" content="{{site.baseURL}}{{page.url}}">
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta property="og:title" content="{{title}}">
<meta property="og:image" content="{{featuredImageThumbnail}}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{{content | striptags | truncate(196) }}">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="{{site.title}}">
<meta property="og:locale" content="en_GB">
<meta property="article:author" content="{{site.baseURL}}">
{%- endblock -%}

Obviously wherever you see a {{site.XXXX}} variable it indicates site level data which is typically defined within a site.json file in your _data folder.

Ryuno-Ki commented 5 years ago

Wait, I can use blocks like in Jinja2/Django? :O

(You should have an option to declare noindex, e.g. for search result page)

zachleat commented 5 years ago

see also https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag

zachleat commented 5 years ago

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