11ty / webc

Single File Web Components
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Scope hash is added to all nodes in page mode. #206

Open ztiromoritz opened 2 months ago

ztiromoritz commented 2 months ago

When I use <style webc:scoped="hash"> in a component, the class="hash" will only be applied to the root node. But on a page it will be set to all nodes.

Example 1: my-component.webc:

<div webc:root="override">
<style webc:scoped="hash">
.test { background: red; }

transformed with the following code:

let webc = new WebC();
let { html } = await webc.compile();

Will produce:

<div class="hash"><p></p></div><style>.hash .test { background: red; }</style>

Note that the p tag has no class Attribute.

Whereas, if I use webc:scoped in a page the class attribute will be applied to all nodes. Example 2:

let webc = new WebC();
webc.setContent("<div><p></p></div><style webc:scoped='hash'>.test { background: red; }</style>");
let {html} = await webc.compile();

will produce:

<div class="hash"><p class="hash"></p></div><style class="hash">.hash .test { background: red;}</style>

I would expect only the top div to have the class Attribute.

It seems to be connected with the following code pointers: https://github.com/11ty/webc/blob/v0.11.4/src/ast.js#L384 and https://github.com/11ty/webc/blob/v0.11.4/src/ast.js#L431 which apply the root attributes including the class attribute to all nodes.