1200wd / bitcoinlib

Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies Library for Python. Includes a fully functional wallet, Mnemonic key generation and management and connection with various service providers to receive and send blockchain and transaction information.
GNU General Public License v3.0
596 stars 199 forks source link

Invalid bech32 string length #347

Closed araujo88 closed 9 months ago

araujo88 commented 9 months ago
from bitcoinlib.wallets import Wallet, WalletError
from bitcoinlib.transactions import Transaction, Output
import schedule
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from message import Message

class Recorder:
    def __init__(self,
                 pgp_fingerprint: str,
                 gpg_passphrase: str,
                 check_in_interval='1 day'):
        self.pgp_fingerprint = pgp_fingerprint
        self.gpg_home = gpg_home
        self.gpg_passphrase = gpg_passphrase

            # Try to create a new wallet
            self.wallet = Wallet.create(wallet_name, witness_type='segwit', network='testnet')
        except WalletError as e:
            print("Wallet already exists. Loading the existing wallet.")
            self.wallet = Wallet(wallet_name)

        # Display the wallet seed and first public key
        #print("Wallet Seed (Mnemonic Phrase):", self.wallet.mnemonic)
        print("First Public Key (Testnet):", self.wallet.get_key().address)

        # Set the check-in interval
        self.check_in_interval = self.parse_check_in_interval(check_in_interval)

    def parse_check_in_interval(self, interval_str):
        interval_mapping = {
            '1 second': timedelta(seconds=1),
            '1 minute': timedelta(minutes=1),
            '1 hour': timedelta(hours=1),
            '1 day': timedelta(days=1),
            '1 week': timedelta(weeks=1),
            '1 month': timedelta(days=30),  # Approximation
            '1 year': timedelta(days=365)   # Approximation
        return interval_mapping.get(interval_str, timedelta(days=1))

    def reset_check_in_due_date(self):
        self.check_in_due_date = datetime.now() + self.check_in_interval

    def record_proof_of_life(self, message_hash: str):
        key = self.wallet.get_key()
        address = key.address
        tx = Transaction(network='testnet')
        tx.add_output(Output(1000, 'p2wpkh', address))
        # Embed the provided hash in OP_RETURN
        op_return_data = '6a4c' + message_hash  # Prefix for OP_RETURN
        tx.add_output(Output(0, 'nulldata', op_return_data))

    def start_monitoring(self):

        while True:
            if datetime.now() >= self.check_in_due_date:

    def check_in(self):
        # Generate a new message and hash
        message = self.create_and_hash_message()

    def create_and_hash_message(self):
        # Instantiate the Message class (or however you create a new message)
        # Example (replace with actual message creation logic):
        new_message = Message(
            name="John Doe",
            location="New York, USA",
            personal_statement="This is my updated proof of life message.",
            recent_event="Updated recent global event or personal milestone.",
            purpose="To demonstrate the creation of an updated proof of life message."
        message_data = new_message.generate_proof_of_life()

        # Sign and hash the message (adjust as needed based on your Message class)
        signed_message, message_hash = new_message.sign_and_hash(
        gpg_home=self.gpg_home, passphrase=self.gpg_passphrase
        print(f"Signed message:\n{signed_message}")
        print(f"Hash: {message_hash}")
        return message_hash
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/leonardo/Github/bit-life-proofing/.env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bitcoinlib/keys.py", line 300, in deserialize_address
    pkh_incl = addr_bech32_to_pubkeyhash(address, include_witver=True)
  File "/home/leonardo/Github/bit-life-proofing/.env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bitcoinlib/encoding.py", line 573, in addr_bech32_to_pubkeyhash
    raise EncodingError("Invalid bech32 string length")
bitcoinlib.encoding.EncodingError: Invalid bech32 string length

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/leonardo/Github/bit-life-proofing/main.py", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/leonardo/Github/bit-life-proofing/recorder.py", line 69, in start_monitoring
  File "/home/leonardo/Github/bit-life-proofing/recorder.py", line 76, in check_in
  File "/home/leonardo/Github/bit-life-proofing/recorder.py", line 56, in record_proof_of_life
    tx.add_output(Output(1000, 'p2pkh', address, encoding='bech32'))
  File "/home/leonardo/Github/bit-life-proofing/.env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bitcoinlib/transactions.py", line 1201, in __init__
    address_dict = deserialize_address(self._address, self.encoding, self.network.name)
  File "/home/leonardo/Github/bit-life-proofing/.env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bitcoinlib/keys.py", line 323, in deserialize_address
    raise EncodingError("Invalid address %s: %s" % (address, err))
bitcoinlib.encoding.EncodingError: Invalid address p2pkh: Invalid bech32 string length