12Knocksinna / Office365itpros

Office 365 for IT Pros PowerShell examples
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Update FindTeamChannelsWithWiki.PS1 #81

Closed Andr3asB closed 1 year ago

Andr3asB commented 1 year ago

Minor improvements

Line 38: The in-field delimiter should be something different from the csv-delimiter and an often used character in the display name of users: e.g. Peter Smith and Paul Black are often referenced with display names "Black, Paul" and "Smith, Peter" which leads to a owners field value in the script's output of "Smith, Peter, Black, Paul". There was simple solution to separate owners in MS PowerQuery to individual rows/fields by the "," delimiter. Therefore I changed the delimiter to "|".

Line 62: The default csv-delimiter "," lead to false records when loading the csv into columns in excel as the team names haven't got stringed in ""s and a comma is a valid character in a team name. Therefore changed this to ";" and included UTF8 encoding for all the special characters in European languages.

12Knocksinna commented 1 year ago

Sounds like good ideas...