131250208 / TPlinker-joint-extraction

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训练24小时了还是只有7%,是什么原因 #66

Open AI-Mart opened 2 years ago

AI-Mart commented 2 years ago


import string
import random

common = {
    "exp_name": "duie2",
    "rel2id": "rel2id.json",
    "device_num": 0,
#     "encoder": "BiLSTM",
    "encoder": "BERT", 
    "hyper_parameters": {
        "shaking_type": "cat", # cat, cat_plus, cln, cln_plus; Experiments show that cat/cat_plus work better with BiLSTM, while cln/cln_plus work better with BERT. The results in the paper are produced by "cat". So, if you want to reproduce the results, "cat" is enough, no matter for BERT or BiLSTM.
        "inner_enc_type": "lstm", # valid only if cat_plus or cln_plus is set. It is the way how to encode inner tokens between each token pairs. If you only want to reproduce the results, just leave it alone.
        "dist_emb_size": -1, # -1: do not use distance embedding; other number: need to be larger than the max_seq_len of the inputs. set -1 if you only want to reproduce the results in the paper.
        "ent_add_dist": False, # set true if you want add distance embeddings for each token pairs. (for entity decoder)
        "rel_add_dist": False, # the same as above (for relation decoder)
        "match_pattern": "whole_span", # only_head_text (nyt_star, webnlg_star), whole_text (nyt, webnlg), only_head_index, whole_span
common["run_name"] = "{}+{}+{}".format("TP1", common["hyper_parameters"]["shaking_type"], common["encoder"]) + ""

run_id = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 8))
train_config = {
    "train_data": "train_data.json",
    "valid_data": "valid_data.json",
    "rel2id": "rel2id.json",
    # "logger": "wandb", # if wandb, comment the following four lines

#     # if logger is set as default, uncomment the following four lines
    "logger": "default",
    "run_id": run_id,
    "log_path": "./default_log_dir/default.log",
    "path_to_save_model": "./default_log_dir/{}".format(run_id),

    # only save the model state dict if F1 score surpasses <f1_2_save>
    "f1_2_save": 0, 
    # whether train_config from scratch
    "fr_scratch": True,
    # write down notes here if you want, it will be logged 
    "note": "start from scratch",
    # if not fr scratch, set a model_state_dict
    "model_state_dict_path": "",
    "hyper_parameters": {
        "batch_size": 2,
        "epochs": 100,
        "seed": 2333,
        "log_interval": 10,
        "max_seq_len": 128,
        "sliding_len": 20,
        "loss_weight_recover_steps": 6000, # to speed up the training process, the loss of EH-to-ET sequence is set higher than other sequences at the beginning, but it will recover in <loss_weight_recover_steps> steps.
        "scheduler": "CAWR", # Step

eval_config = {
    "model_state_dict_dir": "./wandb", # if use wandb, set "./wandb", or set "./default_log_dir" if you use default logger
    "run_ids": ["10suiyrf", ],
    "last_k_model": 1,
    "test_data": "*test*.json", # "*test*.json"

    # where to save results
    "save_res": False,
    "save_res_dir": "../results",

    # score: set true only if test set is annotated with ground truth
    "score": True,

    "hyper_parameters": {
        "batch_size": 2,
        "force_split": False,
        "max_test_seq_len": 512,
        "sliding_len": 50,

bert_config = {
    "data_home": "../data4bert",
    "bert_path": "../pretrained_models/bert-base-cased",
    "hyper_parameters": {
        "lr": 5e-5,
bilstm_config = {
    "data_home": "../data4bilstm",
    "token2idx": "token2idx.json",
    "pretrained_word_embedding_path": "../../pretrained_emb/glove_300_nyt.emb",
    "hyper_parameters": {
         "lr": 1e-3,
         "enc_hidden_size": 300,
         "dec_hidden_size": 600,
         "emb_dropout": 0.1,
         "rnn_dropout": 0.1,
         "word_embedding_dim": 300,

cawr_scheduler = {
    # CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts
    "T_mult": 1,
    "rewarm_epoch_num": 2,
step_scheduler = {
    # StepLR
    "decay_rate": 0.999,
    "decay_steps": 100,

# ---------------------------dicts above is all you need to set---------------------------------------------------
if common["encoder"] == "BERT":
    hyper_params = {**common["hyper_parameters"], **bert_config["hyper_parameters"]}
    common = {**common, **bert_config}
    common["hyper_parameters"] = hyper_params
elif common["encoder"] == "BiLSTM":
    hyper_params = {**common["hyper_parameters"], **bilstm_config["hyper_parameters"]}
    common = {**common, **bilstm_config}
    common["hyper_parameters"] = hyper_params

hyper_params = {**common["hyper_parameters"], **train_config["hyper_parameters"]}
train_config = {**train_config, **common}
train_config["hyper_parameters"] = hyper_params
if train_config["hyper_parameters"]["scheduler"] == "CAWR":
    train_config["hyper_parameters"] = {**train_config["hyper_parameters"], **cawr_scheduler}
elif train_config["hyper_parameters"]["scheduler"] == "Step":
    train_config["hyper_parameters"] = {**train_config["hyper_parameters"], **step_scheduler}

hyper_params = {**common["hyper_parameters"], **eval_config["hyper_parameters"]}
eval_config = {**eval_config, **common}
eval_config["hyper_parameters"] = hyper_params
AI-Mart commented 2 years ago


 elif ori_format == "duie2":
                if dataset_type != 'test':
                    text = sample["text"]
                    rel_list = sample["relation_list"]
                    subj_key, pred_key, obj_key = "subject", "predicate", "object"
                    text = sample["text"]
                    rel_list = []
131250208 commented 2 years ago

"bert_path": "../pretrained_models/bert-base-cased", 你用英文的BERT做中文数据怎么会有效果呢...

AI-Mart commented 2 years ago

是中文的模型呢,特地去hugging face下载的,只是改了个文件夹名字,这样config代码配置就不用改了

AI-Mart commented 2 years ago


131250208 commented 2 years ago


nlper01 commented 7 months ago

是中文的模型呢,特地去hugging face下载的,只是改了个文件夹名字,这样config代码配置就不用改了
