132nd-vWing / OPAR

Operation Active Resolve
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REQ HELP: AI A2A Dispatcher #1

Closed 132ndNeck closed 2 years ago

132ndNeck commented 4 years ago

Would it be possible to setup a script to achieve the following effect:

1. Combat Air Patrol (CAP): Have 1 CAP per squadron (or airfield) up flying a CAP pattern on a zone (trigger zone) in the .miz. This need to be changed easily in the .miz without changes in the script file. If possible, customizable based on amount of squadrons on a base.


2. Quick Reaction Alert (QRA): Primary airfields have QRA fighters aswell as CAP flights. This will be a seperare squadron from the CAP squadron. These aircraft are by default on a 15 minute alert (15 minutes from they are given a task until they are airborne). For randomness (put this between 7 minutes and 25 minutes). If a CAP is tasked, the QRA flights from one of the airfields will be launched (closest one?). The other is a backup, so if the original CAP flight is shot down, or the QRA flight is shot down, the second QRA flight is launched. NOTE: Called GCI in the Moose AI A2A dispatcher description

  1. Readiness state If possible, have a way of setting the availability of the aircrafts based on readiness state: bilde This gives the amount of aircrafts that is availeble for the squadron for CAP and QRA missions. With high readiness between 8-10 aircrafts is availeble, with normal readiness 5-8 aircraft are availeble, with low readiness 2-6 aircraft are availeble.

4. AWACS The script (or a different script) also handles the enemys AWACS. Same as CAP, AWACS uses a zone and establish a racetrack pattern and are tied into the detection of incoming aircraft. If no AWACS is airborne, only EWR on the ground will

5. AAR Similar to AWACS, a tanker squadron will setup a tanker refueling track based on a trigger zone set in the .miz. The airborne CAP aircrafts will then refuel with the tanker when they are low on fuel (below 50% and not beeing tasked with anything). This to keep CAPs airborne longer.

6. Russian Carrier A russian carrier will also be deployed in the Gulf. And this should be connected with a squadron beeing able to do CAP as any other, but also have a QRA on 5 minute alert, launcing against any incoming aircraft either at a distance from the carrier, or a within a triggerzone, or a border (similar to a cold border).

7. Forward staging On airfields with no squadrons there is a 50% chance that the airfield will have a 2ship forward staged. If it is forwardstaged it will have on a 15 minute alert to respond to any threats (QRA/GCI). For randomness, set time between 7 and 25 minutes. This is an effort to spread forces and not keeping all flights at the main airbases.

Tied to IADS Skynet IADS will be used to handle a IADS. It would be very desirable to tie the detection by the IADS to the trigger/detection of the AI A2A dispatcher. (Launch of QRA/GCI flights), or triggering of CAPs to start an intercept. This will specially be useful in the missions where no AWACS is availeble. It looks like the author of the script is considering this, see screenshot below (from his backlog on the Skynet github page): bilde bilde

Link to Skynet IADS: https://github.com/walder/Skynet-IADS Skynet IADS Discord: https://discord.gg/GdsDf8x

Objectives / Purpose of this script

  1. The primary objective or purpose for this script is to protect the defended airspace
  2. Secondary objective is to prevent any interference with AWACS or Tanker activity Both AWACS and Tanker's are High Value Units so something the enemy can not afford to loose.
  3. Third, the effect is to prevent any Blue air activity over enemy controlled territory, preventing BLUE from conducting CAS, AR, SEAD or Strike missions
  4. Protect the red carrier group operating at sea.
  5. Having the Air opposition beeing handled dynamicly, making it possible for the event host to fly and not know what will happen, but also keeping it in line with the current intelligence availeble.

Other details

Reference: Changing border during game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfrdOMJSo6s&feature=youtu.be

OPUF AI A2A Dispacther reference: https://github.com/132nd-vWing/OPUF/issues/14

132ndNeck commented 4 years ago

@132nd-Entropy Me and Assaf have started working on this campaign now (and although the .miz is not availeble yet, since it will be based in the new Syrian map), I just want to see if you are able to start looking into this.

Also Skynet now have a Moose AI A2A dispatcher connecter. So if possible it would be great if you can look into this from your end.

132nd-Entropy commented 4 years ago


132ndNeck commented 4 years ago


Excellent, thanks! Let me know if you need som clarification or explanation on how I envision this.

132ndNeck commented 4 years ago

I see Moose have gotten some new functions / classes (?): Ops flightgroup, Ops auftrag, ops airwing.

It looks like some of these is something that can be used in stead if the AI A2A dispatcher if it is better?

132ndNeck commented 4 years ago

With Syria map beeing soon released, we are stepping up effort for the campaign. Details for the campaign is in these 2 briefs and contain information how airfields and squadrons will be setup.

What will be important is to tie the EWR coverage from the IADS (skynet) into the launching for Interceptor aircraft, or vectoring airborne CAPs.

INTREP VIS OPAR-003 - Syrian Air Force - DRAFT 3.pdf INTREP VIS OPAR-002 - Syrian IADS - DRAFT.pdf

132nd-Entropy commented 4 years ago

ok, I will definitely start looking into this finally

132ndNeck commented 3 years ago

Reworked request for the script After having worked on the .miz now for 2 events, and starting to get a good understanding of how this works, I will rework the request for the script functionality here in this post. What is written above can be used for reference and inspiration, but for the actual script in the OPAR .miz I request the following:

Baseline for the script will be similar to what is in the OPUF script (written by Pikes):

  1. CAP
    • A way to randomly select 1-2 of the airfields that will launch a CAP. Cap zone set in the .miz by a unit or triggerzone (similar to OPUF)
  2. Cold border
    • Similar to OPUF
  3. QRA (GCI)
    • A way to select 2-3 of the availeble airfields (not commented out) that will launch a QRA. (If possible, make customizable so mission designer can set fewer or more airfields)
    • Time from detection until launch / airborne between 12-20 minutes, with the aim to be 15 minutes (can also be made customizable in the scriptfile, so the mission designer can adjust the values)
    • After launch of one QRA, if enemy are still detected within the cold border area, start QRA #2 from the same airfield. Launch 25-35 minutes after initial detection . If Blue forces are returning back outside the cold border, have the second QRA return to base and set a new 15 minute alert.
  4. Tied to Skynet (as referenced above)
  5. QRA and CAP is customizable in the .miz (selecting ordnance and skins) per airbase (similar to OPUF)

Airfields: (with option to comment out in the script file, similar to OPUF) This is where QRA and CAP are based and launch from

What I what to achieve is the following:

132nd-Entropy commented 3 years ago

ok what I have so far

Each airfield above will need to have a zone, where the CAP will enter its racetrack when not fighting, all zones are in the top right corner of the map and should be moved, name must remain the same.

so far, it will only spawn Mig29s, Im not getting different templates to work but I will ask in moose chat

132nd-Entropy commented 3 years ago

ok, now each CAP-enabled airfield has a late-activated template group with the name Cap_xxxx where xxx is the name of the airfield. The location of this template is irrelevant, the name needs to be kept, but the plane type and loadout can be easily changed in the ME.