132nd-vWing / OPAR

Operation Active Resolve
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Create background/scenario/situation #3

Closed 132ndNeck closed 2 years ago

132ndNeck commented 4 years ago

Campaign need a background to give the context for immersion, and to provide inputs for the intelligence section.

Blue coalition

Main coalition airbases: Incerlik (Turkey) Ramat David (Israel)

Red coalition

Neutral coalition:

Scenario need to facilitate for:


132ndNeck commented 4 years ago

From @IAFAssafB bilde

IAFAssafB commented 4 years ago

@132ndNeck referencing your Discord comments for the background story: 1) Ref' timing for involvement of Russia an Iran: I suggest having something that resembles current RL state (i.e minor presence of Russian airforce and air-defense advisors. Russian advisors situated mostly in one of the airbases (where we can have Russian-unique equipment - aircraft and air defenses like SA15 and alike). Iranian involvement is primarily to the SOUTH, sort of trying to establish a corridor between Iran and Israel borders (some logistical camps and perhaps minor presence of long-range artillery but nothing too overt).

2) I like the idea of having first mission as a joint training with Israeli/Turkish forces and then shortly afterwards things begin to go sour with more skirmishes occurring along borders and increased activity by Hizballah and Iranian proxies. Then, Russian declares cutting diplomatic ties, commences hostilities against US satellites above the middle-east (jamming?) and at the same time mobilizing much more airforce , air defense units into Syria while Iran dispatches its supporting corps in anticipation for a full scale war. Those foreign "extra" forces can be committed into battle on 3rd or 4th campaign mission (takes time for buildup of forces while at the same time Syrian forces starting to engage in battle in one of the fronts.

Let me know what you think. If it makes sense then I shall re-write the draft with more details/ timeline.

132ndNeck commented 4 years ago
1. Ref' timing for involvement of Russia and Iran:
   I suggest having something that resembles current RL state (i.e minor presence of Russian airforce and air-defense advisors. Russian advisors situated mostly in one of the airbases (where we can have Russian-unique equipment - aircraft and air defenses like SA15 and alike). Iranian involvement is primarily to the SOUTH, sort of trying to establish a corridor between Iran and Israel borders (some logistical camps and perhaps minor presence of long-range artillery but nothing too overt).

I suggest to make sure in the order of battle to specify what kind of equipment that belong to Syria. Also, I suggest to make simplified version/adjusting from the real world to simplify both for us as the mission designers, but also all the pilots. So, I suggest to follow the generic order of battle as much as possible. So our case, the air defence regiment have SA-15s.

The biggest thing to seperate russian participation will be T-90s, Airborne units and various air assets/sea assets.

I suggest Russia to have a base at Tartus (naval base) and Bassel Al-Assad Airport (Close to Latakia). Where they have a small detachement of advisors and few units to support the Syrian regime. As the conflict increases , later in the campaign, then reinforcements can come either from the EAST into new bases or the WEST into these bases from the sea

132ndNeck commented 4 years ago
2. I like the idea of having first mission as a joint training with Israeli/Turkish forces and then shortly afterwards things begin to go sour with more skirmishes occurring along borders and increased activity by Hizballah and Iranian proxies.
   Then, Russian declares cutting diplomatic ties, commences hostilities against US satellites above the middle-east (jamming?) and at the same time mobilizing much more airforce , air defense units into Syria while Iran dispatches its supporting corps in anticipation for a full scale war. Those foreign "extra" forces can be committed into battle on 3rd or 4th campaign mission (takes time for buildup of forces while at the same time Syrian forces starting to engage in battle in one of the fronts.

I suggest that we dont plan yet on when to bring in the reinforcements. Currently the Syrian Corps in place should provide enough targets for several missions. Also, with the added CAS missions in Lebanon against insurgent groups, it should be a lot of stuff to do, and then we can slowly start dropping indicators as the campaign progress.

So immediatly after mission 1, the war breaks out, and Syria starts the invasion. Iran and Russia provides diplomatic and political support, but we dont see any military activity besides what is already there.

I want this campaign to go on for a long time, so dont want us to rush into something forcing us to quit it early.

This will give us options where you host a mission focused around Israel/Lebanon/Syria, while I focus missions focused on the northern part of the map. And we can take turns, and of course also add taskings in all areas as we see fit on all missions. (I just want to make it flexible to make it easier to keep it going and work for the both of us.)

So I suggest we will seperate the map in 2, and have me responsible in the north (turkey), and you in the south (israel). Does that make sense and is a smart approach?

IAFAssafB commented 4 years ago
2. I like the idea of having first mission as a joint training with Israeli/Turkish forces and then shortly afterwards things begin to go sour with more skirmishes occurring along borders and increased activity by Hizballah and Iranian proxies.
   Then, Russian declares cutting diplomatic ties, commences hostilities against US satellites above the middle-east (jamming?) and at the same time mobilizing much more airforce , air defense units into Syria while Iran dispatches its supporting corps in anticipation for a full scale war. Those foreign "extra" forces can be committed into battle on 3rd or 4th campaign mission (takes time for buildup of forces while at the same time Syrian forces starting to engage in battle in one of the fronts.

I suggest that we dont plan yet on when to bring in the reinforcements. Currently the Syrian Corps in place should provide enough targets for several missions. Also, with the added CAS missions in Lebanon against insurgent groups, it should be a lot of stuff to do, and then we can slowly start dropping indicators as the campaign progress.

So immediatly after mission 1, the war breaks out, and Syria starts the invasion. Iran and Russia provides diplomatic and political support, but we dont see any military activity besides what is already there.

I want this campaign to go on for a long time, so dont want us to rush into something forcing us to quit it early.

This will give us options where you host a mission focused around Israel/Lebanon/Syria, while I focus missions focused on the northern part of the map. And we can take turns, and of course also add taskings in all areas as we see fit on all missions. (I just want to make it flexible to make it easier to keep it going and work for the both of us.)

So I suggest we will seperate the map in 2, and have me responsible in the north (turkey), and you in the south (israel). Does that make sense and is a smart approach?

Makes perfect sense to me. Having Iran and Russia joining the party later on provides much more flexibility, as the movement of such large forces takes a long time (Weeks probably) so it gives a long time for us to "tip" the intl officer with hints for this movement and for whoever decides on the mission objectives to target and harass those movements (strike airbases, bridges, roads, logistics etc etc).

IAFAssafB commented 4 years ago

For our use I think it's good to outline what we expect to happen on the enemy side during the campaign. Proposed format shown here. Needless to say we're not bound by the timeline and can nudge events further down or up a little (I.e from D+5 to D+6 or 7) - depending on how the wing performs and what operations we get to actually execute. The idea is for us to have a general scope of the events. The intent is to include just high-level/bullets in each box so that in the days prior to a specific events we can look at it, generate INTL reports which reflect what's on that table and deliver them to the VIS office. If it makes sense then I'll start filling it up. image

132ndNeck commented 4 years ago

For our use I think it's good to outline what we expect to happen on the enemy side during the campaign. Proposed format shown here. Needless to say we're not bound by the timeline and can nudge events further down or up a little (I.e from D+5 to D+6 or 7) - depending on how the wing performs and what operations we get to actually execute. The idea is for us to have a general scope of the events. The intent is to include just high-level/bullets in each box so that in the days prior to a specific events we can look at it, generate INTL reports which reflect what's on that table and deliver them to the VIS office. If it makes sense then I'll start filling it up.

Great idea! I suggest we have this as a mission designer file only. So I can create a google doc and give you access. That way no one can unintentionally see what is planned :)

132ndNeck commented 4 years ago

I was thinking a little. Maybe it will be easier to start the campaign after an initial Syrian assault toward the Goland heights. And CJTF-82 is deployed to deter further action (similar to Desert Shield), while CJTF builds up combat forces to conduct a counteroffensive, and then during mission 2, the Syrians starts the offiensive also in the North?