132nd-vWing / OPBR-Brief

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FEATURE: Real-time resupply and movement of troops #2

Open jkhoel opened 5 years ago

jkhoel commented 5 years ago

Instead of "magically" spawn new units and supplies, having them transported from logistical centers (typically well away from the front lines) to be consumed at the front lines would create intensives for AR and Strike missions along the MSRs, as well as slow down the pace of the game. It should create natural "vacuums" following major strikes, allowing follow-on operations the next days while the enemy reorganizes.

132ndNeck commented 5 years ago

I very much support this. However, we need to find a way to balance this, so we do not have too many active ground units at any given time (As that will be a very big strain on the server)

thebgpikester commented 5 years ago

The mod you so miss is the AC130 mod that can "fire" parachutists and crates. I had a modded server that used this to drop supplies. units would spawn roughly where the parachutes landed. The rest of the idea is fine, if the transport is balanced. All new units spawn. It's just magic tricks to make it look like they came from another vehicle. The other thing is via ships rotating across the gulf. They take a few hours though.

It's all about limits and scaling.

132ndNeck commented 5 years ago

I think one of the best way's would be to use ground convoys, for example a group of a set amount of veichle , and in the intelligence or brief inform that logistical convoys have this composition. Then they can be identified and targeted. This is likely worse for the server, as you will have a group that need to go somewhere, along the road which will add to the strain on the server.

This is from a gameplay perspective, as convoys on land is better suited for AR missions, and something to do for RW and FW. Likely better than ships and airplanes? Especially if these logistical resupplies can be tied into Issue #16 the ground combat. It do not need to be actually connected, but as long as it appear to be connected for the players it is enough. For example if the frontline forces captures objective Zone 3. Then the rear forces with logistics can move into objective Zone 1 or Zone 2, and establish a forward logistical point there.

And while the ground forces (offensive forces) have their cooling period of 24 hours or more, then smaller convoys can be setup at random intervals from the forward logistical hub in Zone 1 or 2 forward to the frontline forces in Zone 3, simulating resupply of the frontline forces prior to continuing the offensive.