132nd-vWing / TRMA

Training Mission Arctic
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656th requirements #12

Open 132nd-Erro opened 6 months ago

132nd-Erro commented 6 months ago

The 656th requests training ranges and areas at most 22.5 nautical miles / 40 kilometers of the departure location. A lot of these scenarios and requirements can be met in one of the many valleys in Norway. It would be nice to spread them out over multiple valleys, or have similar scenarios in multiple valleys, in order to facilitate concurrent training for several flights (and not having one flight occupying all the RW training infrastructure).

I am hoping it would be possible to be included in the range area selection process (and target positioning) prior to work in the Mission Editor. The motivation behind that is to maximize the use of terrain for RW training, which is potentially more sensitive to the area than e.g. FW flights. I would be happy to contribute in this work, also in the ME to the extent of my abilities.

The requirements will state targets and threats. Targets can be any type of armor (MBT, APC, IFVs, Jeeps/trucks), whereas threats are any anti-air asset we would likely go up against (this excludes manpads unless explicitly stated in the scenario request).

The RW WEZ is approximately (i) for ATGMS 7.5 km (Russian RW) and 8.5 km (Western RW), (ii) for rockets and guns 3 km. Our preferred Firing Position (FP) is 5km away from targets with ATGMs, or 3km from targets with machine guns.

Basic training

  1. Area to practice terrain landing and take-off. Approach and landing to slopes, FARPs, and confined spaces (areas with obstacles around such as an opening in a forest, parking lot with light poles, park, etc).

  2. Flat area to conduct maneuver drills (could be a long and wide U-shaped valley) with vegetation or roads for visual reference.

  3. Area on the airfield to practice in ground effect (IGE) hovering maneuvers and taxi.

Tactical flying


  1. A range with hills to practice (i) terrain traversal and (ii) movement to contact. This can be along a valley with hills that obstruct the view further down the valley. It would be nice to use the terrain to dictate the direction of travel, easing the cognitive load of the trainee of where to fly. The picture to the left demonstrates (i) rapid terrain traversal, and (ii) bounding overwatch.

  2. A handful of scenarios to spawn active and inactive targets along the route from 1.

    terrain traversal image

Attack profiles and maneuvers

  1. A range with hilly (but not mountainous) areas to spawn active and inactive targets, to practice basic combat maneuvers (reaction to contact). Can be a wide open area or along a wide U-shaped valley, with targets at either side or in the center of the valley. This includes (i) maneuvers such as break left/right or 180 degree turns away from contact, (ii) getting distance from the target, and (iii) a 180 turn maneuver back in to engage.

  2. A DEAD-scenario allowing us to employ decoy tactics. Requires a wide hill, or two close hills, with line of sight to a threat to allow such a coordinated attack (both with active and inactive threat).


  3. A gunnery range with (i) visible targets and little terrain clutter along a valley, (ii) a designated area with targets concealed by forest that requires dive attacks, and (iii) targets that are within our WEZ

  4. One or multiple AR ranges (a total of 3-4 AR scenarios to rotate training and MQ checkout) which incorporates terrain movement, movement to contact, and reaction to contact.

  5. Escort range (CAS range? With and without a human JTAC in which case) A range with a roads (could be within and without a wide valley) that can be used for either ground escort or escort of another manned RW flight (e.g., a 132nd AH flight and a 132nd UH flight). All targets and threats should be spawned at the same time to allow scouting ahead.


  6. LZ operations practice An area to practice security of a cold and hot LZ (the latter with active and inactive targets). Could be at the end of the scenarios of point 5. above, but should also be an isolated training scenario.
