132nd-vWing / TRMA

Training Mission Arctic
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Feedback after testing and evaluation events #14

Open 132ndNeck opened 4 months ago

132ndNeck commented 4 months ago

First test and evaluation 20th May:


132ndNeck commented 4 months ago

Second test and evaluation 31st May:


132ndNeck commented 4 months ago

Third test and evaluation 1st June:


Picture referred to in Jonde's AAR: Suggestion basic CAS range in TMA_Jonde https://cloud.132virtualwing.org/s/cdeezff4KL445kt

Shadoga commented 4 months ago

Elaboration on my May 31st AAR:

  1. The types of ranges need to be more diversely distributed over TRMA, e.g. not all A-A Drone ranges in the West over blue water. What struck me most was the regional concentration of ranges with the same topic in the same map areas. Example: 108th is not only looking forward to having more than one range with spawnable A.I. opposition as in ARTM MOA-1 (- and hoping to be able to spawn different aircraft types). It would also be required that at least one A-A Drone Range is not over blue water but ashore and maybe in another Region of TRMA, in order to be able to do BVR training / radar work against ground clutter.

  2. So far, no BFM ranges equivalent to ATRM's MOA-2 adapted; need one feet wet and one feet dry. ATRM MOA-2 is good for BFM training because it is close enough to OMAM CTR / TMA so you don't waste dogfight fuel in transit. You want to be able to leave (possibly G-restricting) bags at home and be able to do intermediate refuelling visits at home or in close-by AAR anchors. MOA-2 is unrealistic in that it has multiple AAR patterns racetracking inside, and also fighting takes place over a densely populated area around and inbetween skyscrapers. We should do that better this time. Ideal would be a BFM Range over land close to the TMA where we either operate with harddecks for terrain avoidance or where you can practice low fights with terrain masking etc. - And additionally a 2nd BFM Range over water where you can practice dogfighting with the additional spacial orientation challenge of horizon vs. water surface.

  3. There need to be AAR Anchors SW of ENBO, on the other side of the TMA than the existing ones to service the blue water Ranges. Additional East-West oriented ones could be installed above ENBO TMA. Tanker Stacks should be separated by at least 5000 FT vertical separation, and include a low & slow Boomer for Hogs, a medium alt & fast one for probe & drogue receivers, and a high & fast Boomer for all but the Hogs. Overlapping AAR anchors (remember they have a wider racetrack pattern during refuelling due to limited bank angle) should be vertically separated,

  4. I would prefer to move the CVOA North where the Eastern part of the northern A-A Drone Range lies now. The current CVOA could then be used for a feet-wet BFM range (also FORM & AHC Tng.)

TRMA Range Request BFM and AAR 20240531

132ndNeck commented 3 months ago

Fourth test&eval event 16th June:
