The user, who initiates the action by activating the remote control
The remote control, which sends a signal to the buggy car using the i-bus protocol
The buggy car, which receives the signal and interprets the different channels of the radio control to determine the desired speed and direction.The buggy car, which receives the signal and interprets the different channels of the radio control to determine the desired speed and direction.
The speed control module, which adjusts the car's speed based on the signal received from the remote control.
The direction control module, which adjusts the car's direction based on the signal received from the remote control.
The sequence of interactions between these objects would be as follows:
The user activates the remote control.
The remote control sends a signal to the buggy car using the i-bus protocol.
The buggy car receives the signal and interprets the different channels of the radio control to determine the desired speed and direction.
The buggy car's speed control module adjusts the car's speed based on the signal received from the remote control.
The buggy car's direction control module adjusts the car's direction based on the signal received from the remote control.
The buggy car navigates as per user command.
The user can test the buggy car's performance by controlling its speed and direction in different scenarios.
The user can use the buggy car for test, research and exploration, and remote control setup.
Each step in the sequence diagram would be represented using appropriate symbols, such as messages, lifelines, and activation bars.
Sequence Diagram
The sequence of interactions between these objects would be as follows:
Each step in the sequence diagram would be represented using appropriate symbols, such as messages, lifelines, and activation bars.