1337w0rm / YeetMeet

YEET MEET is a telegram bot which can be deployed to a server, heroku or on your local machine. It can attend your Google Meet and Zoom classes for you. You can also schedule meetings and it will automatically join at the given time.
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Gmeet is exiting for every 30 min #10

Closed vodnalasricharan closed 3 years ago

vodnalasricharan commented 3 years ago

If we login a meeting and leave the bot without sending any request,the bot is gettng into sleep mode and the meeting is exited. To conventionally deploy my bot , i used webhooks updater.start_webhook(listen="", port=int(PORT), url_path=str(Config.BOT_TOKEN)) updater.bot.setWebhook('heroku app link' + str(Config.BOT_TOKEN)) As i am using webhooks it is getting into sleep,if any request is not made for 30 min.

1337w0rm commented 3 years ago

Don't use webhooks. Webhooks use web dyno which sleeps after 30mins. Deploy the bot as it is.