13space / The-Road-to-LessWrong

The Road to LessWrong
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Book V: Mere Goodness UVW 257-291 #4

Open 13space opened 7 years ago

13space commented 7 years ago


13space commented 7 years ago

U. Fake Preferences

257. Not for the Sake of Happiness (Alone)

258. Fake Selfishness

259. Fake Morality

260. Fake Utility Functions

261. Detached Lever Fallacy

262. Dreams of AI Design

263. The Design Space of Minds-in-General

V. Value Theory

264 Where Recursive Justification Hits Bottom

265. My Kind of Reflection

266. No Universally Compelling Arguments

267. Created Already In Motion

268. Sorting Pebbles Into Correct Heaps

269. 2-Place and 1-Place Words

270. What Would You Do Without Morality?

271. Changing Your Metaethics

272. Could Anything Be Right?

273. Morality as Fixed Computation

274. Magical Categories

275. The True Prisoner’s Dilemma

276. Sympathetic Minds

277. High Challenge

278. Serious Stories

279. Value is Fragile

280. The Gift We Give To Tomorrow

W. Quantified Humanism

281. Scope Insensitivity

282. One Life Against the World

283. The Allais Paradox

284. Zut Allais!

285. Feeling Moral

286. The “Intuitions” Behind “Utilitarianism”

287. Ends Don’t Justify Means (Among Humans)

288. Ethical Injunctions

289. Something to Protect

290. When (Not) To Use Probabilities

291. Newcomb’s Problem and Regret of Rationality

shuishangdz commented 7 years ago

259.Fake Morality 解释:宗教认为上帝是道德的源泉。如果没有上帝的奖励和惩罚就没有道德。如果我们不畏惧地狱,不渴望天堂,那还有什么能阻止我们自相残杀呢? 例子:如果每天7点到10点,强制要求洗澡,若不服从就被处决,一年之后这个要求废除了,那你还会每天洗澡吗?