13thDiamond / MyLittleDos

This small application is a little notebook for your "ToDo´s" and tasks. It will grow more and more in the future.
MIT License
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List window dont use actual list_title für window title. #2

Open 13thDiamond opened 3 days ago

13thDiamond commented 3 days ago

Description of the problem: When a list is added. If you add more lists and delete previous lists, the list opened by the user is not displayed.

Means: List1; List2; List3.... etc. If the user now deletes List1 and tries to open List2, the list title of List2 is displayed at the top of the list window, but not List1, which the user previously deleted.

Main parts of the problem:

13thDiamond commented 3 days ago

Reference to #3 which is a major problem for the application