1475Notary / 1475-Allocator

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[DataCap Application] DE Africa Landsat Collection 2 Level 2 #5

Open walid882 opened 4 months ago

walid882 commented 4 months ago



DataCap Applicant


Project ID


Data Owner Name

Digital Earth Africa

Data Owner Country/Region

South Africa

Data Owner Industry

Information, Media & Telecommunications



Social Media Handle


Social Media Type


What is your role related to the dataset

Data Preparer

Total amount of DataCap being requested


Expected size of single dataset (one copy)


Number of replicas to store


Weekly allocation of DataCap requested


On-chain address for first allocation


Data Type of Application

Public, Open Dataset (Research/Non-Profit)

Custom multisig


No response

Share a brief history of your project and organization

Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa) provides free and open access to a copy of Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 products over Africa. These products are produced and provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The Landsat series of Earth Observation satellites, jointly led by USGS and NASA, have been continuously acquiring images of the Earth’s land surface since 1972. DE Africa provides data from Landsat 5, 7 and 8 satellites, including historical observations dating back to late 1980s and regularly updated new acquisitions.

Is this project associated with other projects/ecosystem stakeholders?


If answered yes, what are the other projects/ecosystem stakeholders

No response

Describe the data being stored onto Filecoin

Landsat scenes and metadata

Where was the data currently stored in this dataset sourced from

AWS Cloud

If you answered "Other" in the previous question, enter the details here

No response

If you are a data preparer. What is your location (Country/Region)

Hong Kong

If you are a data preparer, how will the data be prepared? Please include tooling used and technical details?

We have ready to use lotus to prepare car files in the next step. We've already downloaded data to our storage server and we support both online and offline transfer with SPs.

If you are not preparing the data, who will prepare the data? (Provide name and business)

No response

Has this dataset been stored on the Filecoin network before? If so, please explain and make the case why you would like to store this dataset again to the network. Provide details on preparation and/or SP distribution.

No response

Please share a sample of the data


Confirm that this is a public dataset that can be retrieved by anyone on the Network

If you chose not to confirm, what was the reason

No response

What is the expected retrieval frequency for this data


For how long do you plan to keep this dataset stored on Filecoin

More than 3 years

In which geographies do you plan on making storage deals

Greater China, Asia other than Greater China, Africa, North America, Europe

How will you be distributing your data to storage providers

HTTP or FTP server, Shipping hard drives, Lotus built-in data transfer

How did you find your storage providers

Slack, Big Data Exchange, Partners

If you answered "Others" in the previous question, what is the tool or platform you used

No response

Please list the provider IDs and location of the storage providers you will be working with.


How do you plan to make deals to your storage providers

Lotus client

If you answered "Others/custom tool" in the previous question, enter the details here

No response

Can you confirm that you will follow the Fil+ guideline


walid882 commented 4 months ago

Dear @1475Notary ,

We'd kind of like to ask your approval to store the public data in filecoin. Have left message in your slack. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Extremely grateful and thankful!


1475Notary commented 4 months ago

@walid882 Hello Walid, I've received you slack DM.

I want to ask you some questions.

  1. Is this your first time to apply? Have you ever applied for datacap from another allocator?
  2. Do SPs you work with support retrieval?
  3. Do you have enough token for your plan?
  4. For bookkeeping, I'll keep a record of our communications. Do you accept that?
walid882 commented 4 months ago


  1. Yes, this is our first time to participate in.
  2. Yes, I've already checked with sp. We will follow Fil+ guideline.
  3. Yes.
  4. Of course you can.
datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Unable to access blockchain data for your address. Please contact support.

clriesco commented 4 months ago

There was a problem submitting your application. A third party component is down for the moment. We will trigger this manually as soon as it's up and running again.

datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Application is waiting for allocator review

clriesco commented 4 months ago

Application is created now

1475Notary commented 4 months ago

@clriesco Hi, when I press the button 'detail' on https://allocator.tech/, it shows like the pic. image

clriesco commented 4 months ago


clriesco commented 4 months ago


datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Datacap Request Trigger

Total DataCap requested


Expected weekly DataCap usage rate


DataCap Amount - First Tranche


Client address


datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

DataCap Allocation requested

Multisig Notary address

Client address


DataCap allocation requested




datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Application is ready to sign

datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Request Approved

Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary

Message sent to Filecoin Network




Datacap Allocated


Signer Address




You can check the status of the message here: https://filfox.info/en/message/bafy2bzaceaad3zfgjn73iuhdlbjhxnynq5p5kxm5aii4uopjy3qsl64aeatpw

datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Application is Granted

datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Application is in Refill

datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Request Approved

Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary

Message sent to Filecoin Network




Datacap Allocated


Signer Address




You can check the status of the message here: https://filfox.info/en/message/bafy2bzacedk6h4qom3vavyj2dvqjxpaqjqtgmbzsxknaykyot3lu24t63hvx4

datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Application is Granted

datacap-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Application is in Refill

datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Request Approved

Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary

Message sent to Filecoin Network




Datacap Allocated


Signer Address




You can check the status of the message here: https://filfox.info/en/message/bafy2bzaceddjlasqowgodixaf7imtwrb7cdxlyjyc7g7csjoodtbfka4ghpei

datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Application is Granted

datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Application is in Refill

datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Request Approved

Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary

Message sent to Filecoin Network




Datacap Allocated


Signer Address




You can check the status of the message here: https://filfox.info/en/message/bafy2bzacebhqzw7asyygcvut2zowykbersdmwxvp23gdbbojdkggg2ko7ujw6

datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Application is Granted

datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Application is in Refill

1475Notary commented 3 months ago


datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 months ago

DataCap and CID Checker Report Summary[^1]

Storage Provider Distribution

✔️ Storage provider distribution looks healthy.

Deal Data Replication

✔️ Data replication looks healthy.

Deal Data Shared with other Clients[^3]

✔️ No CID sharing has been observed.

[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger

[^2]: Deals from those addresses are combined into this report as they are specified with checker:manualTrigger

[^3]: To manually trigger this report with deals from other related addresses, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger <other_address_1> <other_address_2> ...

Full report

Click here to view the CID Checker report.

1475Notary commented 3 months ago

Looks good to me, enjoy your sealing.

1475Notary commented 3 months ago


1475Notary commented 3 months ago

Obviously the allocation platform is broken, will do it manually.

filecoin-watchdog commented 3 months ago


datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 months ago

DataCap and CID Checker Report Summary[^1]

Storage Provider Distribution

✔️ Storage provider distribution looks healthy.

Deal Data Replication

✔️ Data replication looks healthy.

Deal Data Shared with other Clients[^3]

✔️ No CID sharing has been observed.

[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger

[^2]: Deals from those addresses are combined into this report as they are specified with checker:manualTrigger

[^3]: To manually trigger this report with deals from other related addresses, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger <other_address_1> <other_address_2> ...

Full report

Click here to view the CID Checker report.

galen-mcandrew commented 2 months ago


datacap-bot[bot] commented 2 months ago

DataCap and CID Checker Report Summary[^1]

Storage Provider Distribution

✔️ Storage provider distribution looks healthy.

Deal Data Replication

✔️ Data replication looks healthy.

Deal Data Shared with other Clients[^3]

✔️ No CID sharing has been observed.

[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger

[^2]: Deals from those addresses are combined into this report as they are specified with checker:manualTrigger

[^3]: To manually trigger this report with deals from other related addresses, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger <other_address_1> <other_address_2> ...

Full report

Click here to view the CID Checker report.

datacap-bot[bot] commented 2 months ago

DataCap and CID Checker Report Summary[^1]

Storage Provider Distribution

✔️ Storage provider distribution looks healthy.

Deal Data Replication

✔️ Data replication looks healthy.

Deal Data Shared with other Clients[^3]

✔️ No CID sharing has been observed.

[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger

[^2]: Deals from those addresses are combined into this report as they are specified with checker:manualTrigger

[^3]: To manually trigger this report with deals from other related addresses, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger <other_address_1> <other_address_2> ...

Full report

Click here to view the CID Checker report.

datacap-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Last pending allocation reverted for an application f1kvw5ia7e3ab2e3gc7hfgn6dld6xwbz6rid2xm4i.

datacap-bot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Application is in Refill

walid882 commented 3 weeks ago

@1475Notary Here's our newest sps.

f03087446 | Los Angeles f03089385 | New York f03027241 | New York f02816050 | London f03087482 | Dulles Town Center f03144188 | Ashburn

1475Notary commented 3 weeks ago

@walid882 ok. keep your diligence.

datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Request Approved

Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary

Message sent to Filecoin Network




Datacap Allocated


Signer Address




You can check the status of the message here: https://filfox.info/en/message/bafy2bzaced6u55ptpcfyuvknvv4522iq4rfrxr77kv2gbyqannq67lnqvs43c

datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Application is Granted

datacap-bot[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Client used 75% of the allocated DataCap. Consider allocating next tranche.

galen-mcandrew commented 1 day ago


datacap-bot[bot] commented 1 day ago

DataCap and CID Checker Report Summary[^1]

Storage Provider Distribution

✔️ Storage provider distribution looks healthy.

Deal Data Replication

✔️ Data replication looks healthy.

Deal Data Shared with other Clients[^3]

✔️ No CID sharing has been observed.

[^1]: To manually trigger this report, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger

[^2]: Deals from those addresses are combined into this report as they are specified with checker:manualTrigger

[^3]: To manually trigger this report with deals from other related addresses, add a comment with text checker:manualTrigger <other_address_1> <other_address_2> ...

Full report

Click here to view the CID Checker report.