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how I call the contract on my webPage ? #4

Open xulove opened 6 years ago

xulove commented 6 years ago

thanks you give us the example I have read your contract code,but now I want to call the contract on my webpage.I means that your "index.html" call contract by WebExtensionWallet,I want to call contract directly. I don't konw how to do it ? can you give me some tips? thanks

xulove commented 6 years ago

these code in "index.html"

if (!!e.data.data.account){
            //document.getElementById("accountAddress").innerHTML= "Account address: " + e.data.data.account;
if (!!e.data.data.receipt){
            //document.getElementById("txResult").innerHTML = "Transaction Receipt\n" +JSON.stringify(e.data.data.receipt,null,'\t');

what it means ? and what it is for !! ?