150PLD-Fall2019 / Reading

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Troll Paper Math/Functions #2

Open ChrisEPhifer opened 5 years ago

ChrisEPhifer commented 5 years ago

I'd love if we could dig a bit into the Troll paper math/function details at some point, in particular the linearity/homomorphic lifting and the functions described at the end for dealing with loop structures (E and C).

mpahrens commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your enthusiasm. These kinds of notes are important because we can poll the class to gauge interest and then put in dedicated time in future classes to revisit them.

Since this is still an early class, I don't think we are going to get to it for Monday. We will probably just be able to do a cursory survey of the paper. If folks are interested, then the options that come to my mind for a deep dive would be: Wed Sept 18th as an implementation activity (if people want to do a code-y kind of deep dive) or Monday Sept 30th when we will reason about what uTroll would look in our Haskell Ecosystem.

*uTroll being a subset of troll and possibly a scheme-like concrete syntax for the sake of easy parsing.

ChrisEPhifer commented 5 years ago

Awesome! Those all sound like great options. Thanks for getting back so quickly.