150PLD-Fall2019 / Reading

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Troll: Normalization and Optimization #5

Open ChrisEPhifer opened 5 years ago

ChrisEPhifer commented 5 years ago

During the short group discussion today our group had the following thoughts / questions regarding Troll and its implementation:

msoturn commented 5 years ago

Regarding your first point about singleton multisets, I think the linearity of the probability calculations depends on the independent nature of the individual dice rolls/actions.

From the top of the right column on p. 1913:

Even so, enumerating O(n^9) multisets to find the distribution for sum nd10 requires a lot of time and space. Fortunately, we can do better by the following observation: Since sum( A U B ) = sum(A) + sum(B), we can find the distribution for sum nd10 by first finding the distributions for sum( n - 1 ) d10 and sum d10 and combine these into a distribution for sum nd10. If we apply this recursively, we never need to store a distribution with more than O(n) values, since there are only O(n) possible outcomes for sum md10 where m<n.

Basically, I take it to mean, 'because dice rolls are independent, we can just store the individual probabilities of each die-roll and have linear probability calculation/sampling, without having to somehow search the much larger event tree of the combined multi-dice roll' (in this case, the size is O(n) with a c of 10, the possible outcomes of each d10 in the calculation)

ChrisEPhifer commented 5 years ago

Yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense. I still wonder if there's a performance benefit to not considering larger collections, but the relevant probabilistic justifications are great to have, too.
