152334H / DL-Art-School

TorToiSe fine-tuning with DLAS
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Just a question about training models #60

Closed demonauthor closed 1 year ago

demonauthor commented 1 year ago

Since training generates huge files, and you can only link one (I'm guessing the last one created) can the rest be deleted to save space? I'm new to this, but I'm assuming each subsequent .pth file is "better" than the one before it?

FurkanGozukara commented 1 year ago

Since training generates huge files, and you can only link one (I'm guessing the last one created) can the rest be deleted to save space? I'm new to this, but I'm assuming each subsequent .pth file is "better" than the one before it?

well it looks like not the case

i am currently doing checkpoint comparison testing and looks like after a point quality degrades

what have you found?