152334H / tortoise-tts-fast

Fast TorToiSe inference (5x or your money back!)
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cloning new voices issues - reading text from stdin #78

Open ysalex3d opened 1 year ago

ysalex3d commented 1 year ago

Cannot figure out how to clone voices in this (fast) version (miniconda, windows 10).

In the original tortoise it was--> python audio.py --voice=

First, when I run any suggested command that calls the script folder, such as (python scripts/tortoise_tts.py --voice emma --seed 42 --text "$TEXT"), I get the error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tortoise'".

I fixed this by moving all the /scripts .py files up to the main tortoise-tts-fast folder.

So with that said, best I can figure out, the python command in miniconda should be either

python tortoise_tts.py --voice NEWVOICE


python tortoise_tts.py --voice NEWVOICE --seed 42 --text "$TEXT"

Problem is with either of these inputs I get something that says "Reading text from stdin!", and then miniconda hangs, and I get nothing. This is the same error I was getting in the other /script .py files, like app.py, before I moved them up to the main folder


Ive watched the google colab version of this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i4T5v1Fl_M&t=1s&ab_channel=MartinThissen

But when I use "streamlit run app.py", the browser page has no area to create a new voice, as show in the colab video.

Can anyone help me on this, would really appreciate it.

Bilal4801 commented 1 year ago

i also facing the same error: reading text from stdin! when i run the (python scripts/tortoise_tts.py --voice emma --seed 42 --text "$TEXT") on window 10, the file run and then hang the cmd, so result get from the code, why does this, how can we fix this:

TheChickenMan69 commented 1 year ago

anyone find a solution for this? I'm having this problem too

anthonyj-codestuff commented 9 months ago

Also experiencing this issue. It looks from the code like this log is intended to print when args.general.text does not exist, but I DID provide that argument

.\scripts\tortoise_tts.py --preset ultra_fast --voice train_mouse --output_dir "E:\Audio\TTS" --candidates 1 --text "If you are hearing this, then it worked"