16EAGLE / moveVis

An R package providing tools to visualize movement data (e.g. from GPS tracking) and temporal changes of environmental data (e.g. from remote sensing) by creating video animations.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ESRI Ocean Tiles? #87

Closed robschick closed 4 years ago

robschick commented 4 years ago

Hi - is it possible to bring the ESRI ocean map as a tile, i.e. this service:

esri_ocean <- paste0('https://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/', 'Ocean/World_Ocean_Base/MapServer/tile/${z}/${y}/${x}.jpeg')


16EAGLE commented 4 years ago

Hi Rob,

I added ESRI base maps with 6a27c6822dd18712b63ec22cec8e82dca7da6f23, including the ocean map. Please reinstall moveVis from GitHub using remotes::install_github("16EAGLE/moveVis"). In general, it is no problem to add tile servers manually, as long as the order of x, y, and zoom are not encoded differently than those of the default OSM and mapbox servers. This can be done simply by modifying the list stored in option("moveVis.map_api"). However, since ESRI uses reverse x, y and zoom positions, which is why an exception for ESRI maps was added it change orders accordingly.

Use get_maptypes() to display the available map types:

 [1] "streets"      "streets_de"   "streets_fr"   "humanitarian" "topographic" 
 [6] "roads"        "hydda"        "hydda_base"   "hike"         "grayscale"   
[11] "no_labels"    "watercolor"   "toner"        "toner_bg"     "toner_lite"  
[16] "terrain"      "terrain_bg"   "mtb"         

 [1] "light"                "light_no_labels"      "light_only_labels"   
 [4] "dark"                 "dark_no_labels"       "dark_only_labels"    
 [7] "voyager"              "voyager_no_labels"    "voyager_only_labels" 
[10] "voyager_labels_under"

 [1] "satellite"     "terrain"       "streets"       "streets_basic" "hybrid"       
 [6] "light"         "dark"          "high_contrast" "outdoors"      "hike"         
[11] "wheatpaste"    "pencil"        "comic"         "pirates"       "emerald"      

 [1] "natgeo_world_map"                      "usa_topo_maps"                        
 [3] "world_imagery"                         "world_physical_map"                   
 [5] "world_shaded_relief"                   "world_street_map"                     
 [7] "world_terrain_base"                    "world_topo_map"                       
 [9] "world_dark_gray_base"                  "world_dark_gray_reference"            
[11] "world_light_gray_base"                 "world_light_gray_reference"           
[13] "world_hillshade_dark"                  "world_hillshade"                      
[15] "world_ocean_base"                      "world_ocean_reference"                
[17] "antarctic_imagery"                     "arctic_imagery"                       
[19] "arctic_ocean_base"                     "arctic_ocean_reference"               
[21] "world_boundaries_and_places_alternate" "world_boundaries_and_places"          
[23] "world_reference_overlay"               "world_transportation"                 
[25] "delorme_world_base_map"                "world_navigation_charts"          

You find the documentation of the changes here: http://movevis.org/news/index.html