16n-faderbank / 16n

Sixteen faders, a Teensy, MIDI over USB and jack, CV out, and I2C out. Phew.
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Feature Request midi 14bit (fine adjustment CC/CC+32 pairs) #63

Open jpnielsen opened 2 years ago

jpnielsen commented 2 years ago

Please make it possible to output 14-bit midi over USB.

I don't need NRPN, only the "fine adjustment" allready in the conventional MIDI controller specification, where any of the first 32 controls can be paired with a control offset 32 higher. I found an example here:

fixed CC's are OK for me {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15} paired with {32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47}. I plan on using it with VCV Rack 2

Cheers, Jens Peter

Ps: I bought the AtoVproject-Reworked - and asked them too.

infovore commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the request. It is not a trivial one: a large amount of the 16n firmware assumes that 7-bit data is being used everywhere. The internal data is filtered down to 7-bit quite early on in the analog read. To support this, we'd need to port to 14-bit everywhere, and then have a toggle to filter down, as well as update the MIDI output code.

It also would necessitate a patch to the editor, so as to ensure that CCs could be matched with pairing 'MSB' CCs correctly. I'm not interested in offering an alternative mode that has hardwired CCs, given the 'regular' mode is editable.

I'd welcome PRs to both editor and firmware that approach a solution, though, if someone wants to take it on.