16n-faderbank / 16n

Sixteen faders, a Teensy, MIDI over USB and jack, CV out, and I2C out. Phew.
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16n as sequencer #65

Open FantacciSimone opened 1 year ago

FantacciSimone commented 1 year ago

One of the main characteristics of the 16n is that (obviously) all the output signals are simultaneous; this makes the 16n a controller and nothing more.

What would happen if the output signals (at least MIDI out) were sequential at regular clock intervals (from MIDI in)? It would become a real sequencer. The sliders could adjust 16 pitches by 16 steps ... or maybe 8 for the pitch and 8 for the velocity.

Daydream or could we really give new life to our beloved faderbank?

Pilzfuss commented 1 year ago

This would be heavily awesome !

FantacciSimone commented 1 year ago

In the meantime I have discovered this fantastic script for Norns, which is very close to what I dreamed of! https://github.com/zjb-s/sempra/tree/main

ArthurGibert commented 1 month ago

There is now a eurorack expander that allows that. Reads the fader values with i2c thru a stereo cable for CV values. https://random-works.co.uk/