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Open-source backend for content at 1729.com, beginning with the Network State lecture series.
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How to create Network State starting with a Physical Territory? #22

Open JoncyFlotsam opened 2 years ago

JoncyFlotsam commented 2 years ago

Been following the idea of Network States since Balaji started drafting the first blueprints.

My question is: How do I create a Network State leveraging a Physical Territory and brand I have already established?

I've co-founded a hospitality and f&b brand that has attracted thousands. We have been successful in attracting all sorts of "creative capital," if you will: artists, musicians, chefs, tech founders, business leaders etc.

Our location, being in a rural area, has benefited from reverse urbanisation resulting from the pandemic. Our internet connectivity is phenomenal, our cost of living relatively low. And we have helped build a thriving tourist town with a great entrepreneurial spirit here.

Our online community consists of over 120k followers on Facebook and around 35k Followers on Instagram.

How can we leverage all this to create a Network State? While we currently stand on half a hectare of beachfront space, we are looking to acquire a 10-hectare valley within striking distance of the beach to build an entry-level Network State (to start) with a bit more territory than the one we currently occupy.

Happy to have guidance on this as I hope to actualize starting early next year.

HegelsWound commented 2 years ago

Hey JoncyFlotsam. Would love to discuss this further with you as I could potentially see a collaboration. What's your Discord handle? We could discuss there.