17cupsofcoffee / seventeencups.net

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https://www.seventeencups.net/posts/finally-up-and-running/ #5

Open utterances-bot opened 4 years ago

utterances-bot commented 4 years ago

Finally Up And Running - Joe Clay

After fiddling with static site generators for about a year and not finding one I liked, I finally bit the bullet and installed Ghost - I've really been enjoying it so far, mild installation issues aside. I'll be breaking in this new site in the next coup…


plum commented 4 years ago

Thanks fo rthat useful report on Zola. Do you still use it? I'm looking for one which can build with options to specify 'in' (text-to-publish) directories and 'out' to specified html dir. That capabilit isn't usual, or even specified in the readme's. My old old generator 'webber' was great, but relies on python2, and is no longer aorund (nor was it popular or known). I don't like templates and whatnot scattered around all my text dirs.

17cupsofcoffee commented 4 years ago

@plum: I do still use Zola! I've been considering moving to something like Next.js or something to have a bit more control over the templates (never been a huge fan of templating engines, much prefer React/Vue components), but that's more of a personal preference thing.

Zola does allow you to specify arbitary output directories, but not arbitary input directories, IIRC - you have to use the folder structure that the generator dictates. I feel like the folder structure splits templates from text fairly nicely, but your milage may vary.

Eleventy is quite nice if you want more control over the input/output structure of your site.

plum commented 4 years ago

@17cupsofcoffee Thanks for kind reply Joe. I see you are right about Zola output command options. I have, at your suggestion, taken a first look at Eleventy, and I'll look again on github too; it may well serve my needs. I'm in this posiiton because an old generator (webber) is redundant to python2. It was simple, and served all my needs - for documents with directories and for blogs. Cant now find it anywhre on the web! I have my local copy but a fresh linux install and repo is missing needed dependencies for python2.... time to change it!

Never used React or vue. I managed with just four very basic templates - the fancy work was in the css.

plum commented 4 years ago

Hi again SoVeryMuchCoffee, Trust things are well in this lockdown dictatorship from the World Government of incomprehensible logic, incompentent make-it-up-as-you-go-along emerging scientists etc.. with an agenda to serve! Or whatever...

Found I am in for the long haul. I wanted a quick find as solution to my needs but have spent time taking a close look (installin and riunning inspecting etc.. a lot, including Hexo, Nikola, Gatsby, Hugo Metalsmith and Zola. I want it for blogs and for dicuments.... Gatsby and HUgo are storng contenders at the moment. Need to look again at Zola, but I think it uses TOML and not YAML, so that (little thing) would put me off, because...of familiarity and recoding old posts. and I like --- instead of +++ (can you beleive it!) Taken a look at python's mkdocs, which is great for docs, but have to also serve blog chacteristics for posts... maybe possible, but no one else seems to have done it adequately so far as I can see - just two poor half-cocked efforts (which surprises me). I never had any problem with inserting just the JS I need into site - including shopping carts etc. and do appreciate it, still not sure what node.js offers, apart form a nice way of collecting javascripts and generating the need for them. Python always seems so elgant in basic skeleton generation... So , maybe HUgo which I like when running it and anticipating the how and what I should do with it. But, I don't like Go's relation to Google, which I have a gut dislike of; or Gatsby if not. I'm not going to rush it. I must nap. It seems I could compromise principles.... which might kill me. Anything can be achieved with either. Perhaps Gatsby allows more quick develpment off the cuff, once settled in , for more and more sites... but i only do a very limited few for special people, occasionally - and my needs of course.

I want the stuff I settle with around until i die. Your well-wisher, form the UK JOhn

ps thanks for the Eleventy tip too - I forgot to mention that - after a breif look I mean to install and look closer. That is promising.