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Copy Changes - Home Page + Banner #647

Closed rjmajma closed 9 years ago

rjmajma commented 9 years ago

Per a discussion with @vz3 and @ericadeahl, we are going to consider some copy/content changes on these pages.

Here are the things we considered: Home Page


rjmajma commented 9 years ago

One suggestion that came from @corizarek was the way we treated the "tagline." On the home page, headers are treated in bold, large font, and underlined. However, the tagline is also treated the same. She suggested we either create a header for it and adjust the text under it or distinguish it some other way from the headers.

corizarek commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @rjmajma! Team, I suggest the header openFOIA to be consistent with the rest of that landing page and then take the text "openFOIA jump-starts etc.." and adjust that text to look consistent with other sub-hed text.

ericadeahl commented 9 years ago

Here are the updates to the homepage and banner design and copy:

openFOIA Homepage with banner open

homepage 2

openFOIA Homepage with banner closed

homepage 1

Alternate graphic treatment of the "How does the process work?" section In this version, users click through the steps one by one. We should go ahead and update the text only for now, but it would be great if we could plan on implementing this version in a future sprint.

homepage 3


rjmajma commented 9 years ago

There's still work to be done here, but this was a great attempt at compromising the content changes that were suggested to us. Awesome work all around, @ericadeahl. I'm comfortable closing it but will leave it open for review.

corizarek commented 9 years ago

Team, this looks awesome. Thanks for incorporating those great suggestions and finding a way to do so while staying true to the openFOIA brand! Almost there!!