18F / 2015-foia-hub

A consolidated FOIA request hub.
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Krang usability testing with FOIA Requestors #666

Closed ericadeahl closed 9 years ago

ericadeahl commented 9 years ago

Schedule and execute usability testing with ~5 FOIA requestors

khandelwal commented 9 years ago

3 interviews scheduled later this week.

ericadeahl commented 9 years ago

@vz3 and I conducted 3 interviews last week and are scheduling 2 more. Notes and synthesis here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4-jR19N8nwmfnY3THZ1VjVtNVpvTGxQdXZIanZuTjZLODJ6VFRFYUE4bnpLQ3pXVjRmVGc&authuser=0

rjmajma commented 9 years ago

Please add links to notes here.

rjmajma commented 9 years ago

@ramirezg Needs to put notes up.

geramirez commented 9 years ago

ok, my notes are up.