18F / 2015-foia-hub

A consolidated FOIA request hub.
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List of agencies/offices without a FOIA Library link #769

Closed khandelwal closed 9 years ago

khandelwal commented 9 years ago

We need to provide DOJ with a list of the agencies/offices that don't have a specific FOIA Library link. In return, hopefully they will provide us with those links we might have missed.

geramirez commented 9 years ago


geramirez commented 9 years ago

@rjmajma Should we just send this over to Jake?

khandelwal commented 9 years ago

Before we do that, let's go through this list, and see why we might have missed picking up any reading rooms.

khandelwal commented 9 years ago

Feel free to assign this to me if you like.

rjmajma commented 9 years ago

I believe Gabriel is on an airplane at the moment, so assigning to you Shashank.

khandelwal commented 9 years ago

I've done an exhaustive review of the missing reading rooms.

khandelwal commented 9 years ago

Department of Agriculture--Research, Education & Economics FOIA website is wrong: http://www.ars.usda.gov/Services/docs.htm?docid=1398 Needs a data reload.

Department of Agriculture--Rural Development FOIA website is wrong: http://www.rd.usda.gov/contact-us/freedom-information-act-foia Note: There is no reading room on the page.

United States Postal Service--USPS Headquarters Office Note: Code should have picked up reading room.

United States Postal Service--USPS Field Office Note: Code should have picked up reading room.

United States Postal Service--Postal Inspection Service Note: Code should have picked up reading room.

United States Postal Service--Office of the Inspector General Note: Code should have picked up reading room.

Department of Veterans Affairs--Central Office FOIA/Privacy Act Office Note: VA FOIA page does not load.

[Cabinet level agencies removed, because they have de-centralized FOIA processing]

Department of Homeland Security--Headquarters & Privacy Office Note: Link text is: Find FOIA Documents (http://www.dhs.gov/foia-library)

Department of Homeland Security--Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Note: NO FOIA specific information on their website.

Department of Homeland Security--Directorate for National Protection and Programs Needs manual override: http://www.dhs.gov/foia-library

Department of Homeland Security--Office of Operations Coordination and Planning Note: No FOIA specific information on their website.

Department of Homeland Security--Science & Technology Directorate Note: No FOIA specific information on their website.

Department of Homeland Security--Office of Biometric Identity Management Note: No FOIA specific information on their website.

Department of Commerce--Economics and Statistics Administration Bureau Needs manual override: Main page is also reading room. http://www.esa.doc.gov/content/requesting-records-under-freedom-information-act

Department of Commerce--Economic Development Administration Needs manual override: http://www.osec.doc.gov/omo/FOIA/ereadingroom.htm

Department of Commerce--National Telecommunications and Information Administration No reading room.

Department of Defense--Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals No reading room.

Department of Defense--Defense Contract Audit Agency - Headquarters No reading room.

Department of Defense--Department of Defense Education Activity FOIA page contains library: Manual override: http://www.dodea.edu/foia.cfm

Department of Defense--U.S. Africa Command FOIA page is incorrect: http://www.africom.mil/policies-guidance/freedom-of-information-act-requests FOIA page also contains reading room (needs manual override): http://www.africom.mil/policies-guidance/freedom-of-information-act-requests

Department of Defense--U.S. Southern Command FOIA page is completely incorrect: http://www.southcom.mil/foia/Pages/FOIA.aspx There is now a bug for this.

Department of Defense--U.S. Special Operations Command We have the wrong FOIA website: http://www.socom.mil/foia/Pages/FOIARequesterServiceCenter.aspx

Department of Energy--Savannah River Operations Office We have the wrong FOIA website: http://sro.srs.gov/foia.html

Department of Energy--National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Naval Reactors Has no FOIA page

Department of Energy--Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC) Reading room is in a blocking light box only Javascript enabled. Best link is: https://www.emcbc.doe.gov/About/FOIA (needs manual override)

Department of Energy--Southeastern Power Administration Incorrect page for FOIA. Needs manual override: http://energy.gov/sepa/services/sepa-freedom-information-act-foia-program No electronic reading room.

Department of Energy--National Energy Technology Laboratory FOIA page contains reading room: http://www.netl.doe.gov/home/foia (with one document)

Department of Interior--U.S. Geological Survey FOIA page is reading room: http://www.usgs.gov/foia/ (There's no good way to detect these)

Department of Interior--Office of the Secretary Reading room (manual override): http://www.doi.gov/foia/os/index.cfm Site information architecture is too terrible to figure this out automatically.

Department of Interior--Office of Surface Mining FOIA page is wrong. Correct page: http://www.osmre.gov/lrg/foia.shtm We probably need to reload data from foia.gov. Reading rooms will be picked up automatically.

Department of Interior--Office of the Special Trustee No FOIA specific page. No reading room.

Department of Justice--Civil Division FOIA Website does not work. Also broken on foia.gov

Department of Justice--Civil Rights Division Link text is not what we look for: Manual override: http://www.justice.gov/crt/foia/readingroom

Department of Justice--Executive Office for Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces No FOIA website.

Department of Justice--Office of Information Policy Need to re-run data.

Department of Justice--Office on Violence Against Women FOIA library is on the page: http://www.justice.gov/ovw/ovw-freedom-information-act Manual override.

Department of Transportation--Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Manual override: http://www.seaway.dot.gov/publications/electronic-reading-room

Department of Transportation--Surface Transportation Board Manual override: http://www.stb.dot.gov/stb/foia.html

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Atlanta District Office (Savanna Local Office) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Birmingham District Office (Mobile Local Office, Jackson Area Office) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Charlotte District Office (Greensboro; Greenville, Norfolk, Richmond Local Offices; Raleigh Area Office NO reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Chicago District Office (Milwaukee and Minneapolis Area Offices) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Dallas District Office (San Antonio Field Office, El Paso Area Office) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Houston District Office (New Orleans Field Office) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Indianapolis District Office (Detroit Field Office, Cincinnati and Louisville Area Offices) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Los Angeles District Office (Fresno, Honolulu, Las Vegas, and San Diego Local Offices) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Memphis District Office (Little Rock and Nashville Area Offices) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Miami District Office (Tampa Field Office and San Juan Local Office) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--New York District Office (Boston and Newark Area Offices, Buffalo Local Office) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Philadelphia District Office (Baltimore and Cleveland Field Offices, Pittsburgh Area Office) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Phoenix District Office (Denver Field Office, Albuquerque Area Office) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--San Francisco District Office (Seattle Field Office, Oakland and San Jose Local Offices) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--St. Louis District Office (Kansas City and Oklahoma Area Offices) No reading room Equal Employment Opportunity Commission--Washington Field Office No reading room

Environmental Protection Agency--National Headquarters Text code searches for should be: FOIA Libraries (plural)

Environmental Protection Agency--Region 6 (States: AR, LA, NM, OK, TX) Should have been picked up by code: http://www.epa.gov/earth1r6/6md/foia/reading.html

Environmental Protection Agency--Region 8 (States: CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY) FOIA page is incorrect Incorrect on foia.gov

Environmental Protection Agency--Region 9 (States: AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU) manual override: http://www2.epa.gov/foia/foia-library-information-specific-epa-region-9

Environmental Protection Agency--Region 10 (States: AK, ID, OR, WA) FOIA page is incorrect (redirects) Incorrect on foia.gov manual override: http://www2.epa.gov/foia/foia-library-information-specific-epa-region-10

Federal Labor Relations Authority--San Francisco Regional Office manual override: http://www.flra.gov/elibrary

Federal Labor Relations Authority--Washington Regional Office manual override: http://www.flra.gov/elibrary

Federal Labor Relations Authority--The Federal Service Impasses Panel manual override: http://www.flra.gov/elibrary

Federal Labor Relations Authority--Office of the Inspector General manual override: http://www.flra.gov/elibrary

Merit Systems Protection Board--Headquarters no reading room Merit Systems Protection Board--Atlanta Regional Office no reading room Merit Systems Protection Board--Central Regional Office no reading room Merit Systems Protection Board--Washington DC Regional Office no reading room Merit Systems Protection Board--Northeastern Regional Office no reading room Merit Systems Protection Board--Dallas Regional Office no reading room Merit Systems Protection Board--Western Regional Office no reading room Merit Systems Protection Board--New York Field Office no reading room Merit Systems Protection Board--Denver Field Office no reading room

National Archives and Records Administration--Pacific Alaska Region (Anchorage) This office no longer exists. A re-run of the data should solve?

National Archives and Records Administration--Southeast Region (Atlanta) National Archives and Records Administration--Northeast Region (Boston) National Archives and Records Administration--Great Lakes Region (Chicago) National Archives and Records Administration--Rocky Mountain Region (Denver) National Archives and Records Administration--Southwest Region (Fort Worth) National Archives and Records Administration--Central Plains Region (Kansas City) National Archives and Records Administration--Northeast Region (New York) National Archives and Records Administration--Mid-Atlantic Region (City Center Philadelphia) National Archives and Records Administration--Pacific Region (San Francisco) National Archives and Records Administration--Pacific Region (Seattle)

I don't know how to deal with the Archives. Do they do FOIA?

National Aeronautics and Space Administration--Headquarters manual override: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/FOIA/err.htm

National Aeronautics and Space Administration--Glenn Research Center manual override: http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/FOIA/ReadingRm.htm

National Aeronautics and Space Administration--Johnson Space Center manual override: http://www.nasa.gov/centers/johnson/news/edocs.html

National Aeronautics and Space Administration--Kennedy Space Center FOIA main page is wrong. Data load should fix this. Add to vocabulary: FOIA Electronic Library

National Aeronautics and Space Administration--Office of the Inspector General No reading room.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration--Principal Agency FOIA Officer No reading room.

National Credit Union Administration--Main Office No reading room

National Credit Union Administration--Office of the Inspector General No reading room.

Department of the Treasury--Bureau of Fiscal Services http://www.fms.treas.gov/foia/frequentfoia.html

Department of Labor--Office of the Administrative Law Judges manual override: http://www.oalj.dol.gov/libfoia.htm

Department of Labor--Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management manual override: http://www.dol.gov/dol/siteindex.htm

Department of Labor--Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs manual override: http://www.dol.gov/ofccp/ofccp-foia.htm

Department of Labor--Office of Labor-Management Standards manual override: http://www.dol.gov/olms/regs/compliance/OLMS_FOIA.htm

Department of Labor--Office of Workers' Compensation Programs manual override: http://www.dol.gov/owcp/foia/owcp-foia.htm

Department of Labor--Veterans' Employment & Training Service manual override: http://www.dol.gov/vets/foia/

Department of Labor--Wage and Hour Division manual override: http://www.dol.gov/whd/foia/

Department of Labor--Women's Bureau manual override: http://www.dol.gov/wb/e-foia.htm

Department of Agriculture--Agricultural Marketing Service Main FOIA page doesn't exist. http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/ams.fetchTemplateData.do?template=TemplateN&navID=Home&topNav=Home&page=FOIA&description=Freedom%20of%20Information%20Act%20(FOIA) Maybe run a data load?

Department of Agriculture--Food, Nutrition & Consumer Services Code should pick up http://www.fns.usda.gov/foia/electronic-reading-room

Department of Agriculture--Forest Service - Headquarters Add to vocabulary: frequently requested records

Department of Agriculture--Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration FOIA website is incorrect. Needs to be fixed on foia.gov Manual override (reading room): http://www.gipsa.usda.gov/foia/foia.aspx

Department of Agriculture--National Appeals Division manual override: http://www.nad.usda.gov/foia.html

Department of Agriculture--Natural Resources Conservation Service manual override: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/national/about/?cid=stelprdb1186403

rjmajma commented 9 years ago

...well okay then. That's a lot of great work.

khandelwal commented 9 years ago