18F / 2015-foia-hub

A consolidated FOIA request hub.
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Indicating on /agencies page which agencies allow you to submit electronically. #796

Open khandelwal opened 9 years ago

khandelwal commented 9 years ago

Would be nice to indicate which agencies let you submit FOIAs electronically vs print/fax w/o clicking on each @18F https://open.foia.gov/agencies/

See: https://twitter.com/abtran/status/599219902705061888

khandelwal commented 9 years ago

I think we need to understand more clearly what the user need here is, and why it would be useful -- and then decide accordingly whether this is something we want to implement.

andrewbtran commented 9 years ago

I guess it's like on a fast food restaurant's website when it indicates in the paginated listings if a spot has a drive-thru. (http://www.dunkindonuts.com/dunkindonuts/en/stores.html)

It'd just be nice to know which agencies make it more convenient for me to make FOIA requests. I might be more compelled to make a request knowing the agency isn't going to make me get out of my car.

digiphile commented 9 years ago

While it would be handy to know which agencies make it convenient to make electronic FOIA requests, wouldn't it be even handier to build a feature that enables the user to submit a FOIA request digitally to any of them?