As a user, I want the files I download to have human-readable names so that I can make use of them without having to cross-reference a separate spreadsheet.
Current sample filename: 20403520191.pdf
Acceptance criteria
[ ] Files are renamed to FY[fiscal year]-RecipientName.pdf (or the equivalent file extension), sans brackets.
Outstanding questions
Are there other elements that'd be valuable to include? Let's start minimal and assume YAGNI.
Implementation notes
Desired result: FY[FiscalYear]-[RecipientName]
The current download (as of this writing) is a ZIP file containing one PDF per (single audit) result, plus a document called FileNameCrossReferenceList.xlsx.
That .xlsx file has one header row.
– The relevant column names are File Name, Auditee Name and Year Ending.
User story
As a user, I want the files I download to have human-readable names so that I can make use of them without having to cross-reference a separate spreadsheet.
Current sample filename:
Acceptance criteria
FY[fiscal year]-RecipientName.pdf
(or the equivalent file extension), sans brackets.Outstanding questions
Implementation notes
file has one header row. – The relevant column names areFile Name
,Auditee Name
andYear Ending