18F / Head_Start_TTA_RFQ

The final RFQ for Office of Head Start Training and Technical Assistance Data Platform, assisted acquisition via GSA/18F.
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Programming language and frameworks #44

Open iamjolly opened 4 years ago

iamjolly commented 4 years ago


Section 9.2.2 Factor 1 - Technical Approach of RFP states 'proposed approach to providing the services required including the programming language(s) and frameworks,' however in Section 5.1, the RFP states the backend and frontend technologies. How will the evaluation for Factor 1 be done, if the programming languages are already stated?

iamjolly commented 4 years ago


The RFQ does not explicitly state any requirement for specific languages, and we are open to the best fit for the needs of the product which would include long-term sustainability by OHS and/or other vendor teams.

Section 5.1 states:

The backend API application should use technologies such as: (and) The frontend web application should use technologies such as: