18F / Head_Start_TTA_RFQ

The final RFQ for Office of Head Start Training and Technical Assistance Data Platform, assisted acquisition via GSA/18F.
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ATO expectations #6

Open randyhart opened 4 years ago

randyhart commented 4 years ago

"Document Name, Section, Page Number: RFQOHS Head Start Agile Software Development.pdf, 2.1 Description of Work to be Performed, p. 7

Question: When can an ATO be expected and how will it be structured?"

randyhart commented 4 years ago

18F and OHS is committed to working with the vendor to obtain ATO from the CIO organization as soon as possible. The ATO process and structure is determined by the ACF OCIO, but we expect that vendors will work to move toward ATO from the first deliverable and not wait until the system is "done".