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Find PSC info #50

Open dwcaraway opened 10 years ago

dwcaraway commented 10 years ago

(Not fully thought through) A user may look up a PSC information

See http://www.acquisition.gov/PSC%20Manual%20-%20Final%20-%2011%20August%202011.pdf

catherinedevlin commented 10 years ago

I should be able to pull the categories and their definitions into the database, then add to the API so they can be queried - should there be a relationship between PSC codes and NAICS codes?

one possibility for pdf reading: textract http://datascopeanalytics.com/what-we-think/2014/07/27/extract-text-from-any-document-no-muss-no-fuss

dwcaraway commented 10 years ago

@catherinedevlin Should we just close this issue considering the api under work at https://dev-psctool.540.co/ ?