18F / an_introduction_to_python

An introduction to Python - https://www.digitalgov.gov/event/online-intro-to-python/
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Introduce yourself #2

Open jeremyzilar opened 6 years ago

jeremyzilar commented 6 years ago

Hello! 👋

Welcome to the Intro to Python class.

Please introduce yourself in a comment below. Tell us where you work, and why you are interested in learning python.

Dhrobak commented 6 years ago

Good Afternoon, My name is Dan Hrobak. I work for the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services as a Continuous Improvement / Quality Assurance Engineer.

I have recently been working on projects related to enterprise-wide IT systems. Having knowledge in these types of systems would be very beneficial for projects going forward.

ghost commented 6 years ago


My name is Emily Cummins and I work for Kratos SecureInfo as a Senior Security Consultant. I spend a lot of my time attempting to improve internal processes (automation power!).

My previous experience with python had been a "quick, I need a network packet listener and only have python available lets smash it together" experience. Contrary to that, I'm enjoying the ground-up content presented in this class; I was also thrilled to see hackerrank challenges listed as homeworks!

Unfortunately all my company repos are private. It would be cool to see other's projects though!

Thank you for taking the time to offer this class :)

mklevs commented 6 years ago

My name is Mardi Klevs and I'm a branch chief for Region 5 (Chicago) EPA and I manage the toxics and pesticides program. I am taking this class because I'm just interested in building my skill sets. I have worked with 18 F, you did a workshop for us for the Pesticides Label Matching app. I'm an environmental engineer but my last programming class was in the early 80s,it was Fortran 77 and I learned on cards. I did a computational masters thesis in SAS on a line editor. That's it!!

I was unable to take the Wednesday class so I watched it this Saturday. I was really happy to see this page created. Unfortunately, though, I feel really behind. I needed help from the very first homework assignments. I am thinking I am going to take the rest of the classes but probably buy a text where I can go step by step, very slowly. I don't care how long it takes me to learn the language, I just want to learn it. I may also look for an in-person class offered in my community.

PS, thanks to Eric for responding to my email.

tonimarie commented 6 years ago

Sorry it took so long to get in here. I'm Toni Swats, Application Developer with EPA's National Center for Radiation Field Operations (NCRFO). My experience is mostly in web and database development but the NCRFO has a need for GIS development and Python is the best language to dive into to get up to speed. I've got a heavy PHP background so I know the principles of programming... but Python has some significant differences.

antoinemcgrath commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the class! Antoine McGrath here, I learned some python out of necessity for building CRSReports.com (a free collection of US Congressional Research Service reports). Currently I aggregate the climate related legislative actions and tweets made by state and federal legislators. My primary interests are in NLP and data accumulation.

risaacs commented 6 years ago

Thanks for teaching this introductory course, Eric.

I am Rincy Isaacs - a contractor at GSA supporting the data management efforts for Salesforce environment. I have programmed quite extensively before, but it was good to see the nuances and the power of Python. I was not able to ask questions because I had to create a channel - and I didn't explore that further. But, overall great job in the short time you had in communicating the essentials.


sharondenisse commented 6 years ago

Thank you, Eric.